Chapter 8

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takes place the morning after last chapter!
thanks for waiting for another chapter ;)
writers block sucks

-John's POV-
John woke up next to Alex, his arms wrapped around the smaller boy's waist. It was the weekend and it felt great. It mostly felt great because that always meant more time with Alex. Alex wasn't awake and obviously tired, so John just layed there and studied Alex's features once again, like he always does. It's almost like a daily routine for whoever wakes up first, to just stare at the other's face. Alex woke up and the first thing he saw was John looking down at him.

John laughed and kissed Alex's forehead, making Alex giggle a little. "Good morning sunshine." He smiled down at Alex, being gay™ like always.

"Morning, turtle boy." He smirked back, squeezing out of John's arms, not caring he was still naked. John watched him pull on boxers and a plain black sweater, and he also watched him trot to the kitchen to make them coffee. John got out of bed too and put on sweatpants and a purple t-shirt, going up behind Alex and hugging him (which made him jump a little.)

"J-John! Oh my god, you just scared the s-shit out of me." Alex groaned, turning around and hugging John back. John kissed his forehead again and pulled away to sit on the counter, watching Alex some more.

"Why're you always staring at me?" Alex groaned, watching the coffee brew. John grabbed Alex by his legs and pulled him inbetween them, making a flushed Alex giggle some more. That was one of the most adorable noises in the world, according to John.

"I'm always staring at you, pretty boy." John smiled, playing with Alex's hair. The coffee stopped and Alex slipped out of John's legs, pouring coffee into cups and them drinking it straight black... because they need to wake up. Alex took his cup and sat down on John's bed, and John just stood up and walked to the wall and leaned on it, watching Alex again. "Babe, I'm gonna go to the store, okay?" Alex sighed, pulling on ripped jeans and converse.

John nodded and took another sip "Okay. Can you grab some more coffee, too? I think we're about to run out." Alex nodded back and placed down his coffee, "Mhmmmm, I'll be back!" He quickly kissed John and swiftly walked out of the door, and John just sat down on his bed, lovestruck. He's always lovestruck. He never believes that he's dating someone like Alex and he never believes he should be that lucky, but Alex proves him wrong most of the time. They're basically in love. Oh wait! They are.

-Alex's POV-
Alex walked through the streets and suddenly got uneasy. He got dizzy and things around him became weirdly colored, and dots were appearing everywhere. He had to reach his hand out and sit on a bench, struggling to reach out his phone. He managed to send John his location, with some weird gibberish.

A.Ham: come h e lod
TurleBoi: babe are you okay?
A.Ham: dissxy
TurtleBoi: I'm coming stay put

Alex followed these instructions, just laying down on the bench trying to steady out his breathing. He saw blurred people walking past and not even paying attention, leaving Alex there praying John would get there soon. The last thing Alex saw before passing out was a figure that looked like John running torwards him.

-John's POV-
John saw Alex passed out on a bench and automatically freaked out. He grabbed Alex's phone which was right next to him and slipped it in his pocket, and grabbed Alex and carried him bridal style. Alex was insanely lightweight which made it easier for John to zoom past people and walk to campus easily without having to worry about anything or anyone. John hummed the same song as always as they got to the dorm, and he placed Alex down on John's bed.

John had no idea what to do, so he just took off Alex's jeans, shoes, and socks, and put a cold wet rag on Alex's forehead. He prepared some soup on the stove and grabbed some medicine out of the cabinet and put it on the bedside table.

After around 15 minutes, Alex woke up and blinked, panicking and looking around. "J-John?!" John ran torwards him and craddled him comfortably, letting him calm down. "Baby, I'm here. Listen, it's fine." John reassured, and Alex just nodded.

"W-what happened?" Alex stuttered, pulling away and holding the rag on his head. "You passed out and I came to get you, obviously. Now I got you medicine and made you soup. Take the medicine and I'll bring your soup." John ordered, and Alex just nodded. Alex quickly swallowed the pills and took a gulp of water, watching John pour some soup into a bowl and handing it to him.

"Have the soup, and then hopefully you'll feel better." John smiled, sitting down on Alex's bed and scrolling through his phone. Alex quickly finished the soup and put the bowl on the bedside table and made a weird groaning noise, making John burst into laughter. "Alex, w-what the hell was that?!" "I don't know! I want attention!" John laughed and watched as Alex put his hands out so John would go hug him, and he did.

John pulled Alex into a hug and Alex straddled him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and hugging him. It was nice. "Alex, baby? Are you okay?" "I'm tired." John nodded and played with Alex's hair, Alex relaxing. They stayed in silence until Alex's snores filled the room. John laughed and let him sleep in his arms, and realized he had a fever.

John re-wet the rag and put it back on Alex's head, and went to go start a hot bubble bath. When he walked back out, Alex was up and pulling off his clothes. John laughed and scanned him, which made Alex turn bright red. "Lex, I started you a bath. You have a fever." Alex nodded and walked to the bath and automatically sat down, smiling at John. "I noticed. I have a fever." John nodded and let him be.

-time skip brought to you by @/hamilbway-

After the bath, they watched a movie and ordered pizza. It was a lot of cuddling and kisses, and John wasn't afraid of getting sick. Alex took medicine and was pretty sleepy after, but obviously stayed up for the pizza, like always. Now, it was nighttime and they were getting ready for bed.

"John, I'll take my medicine tomorrow, God!" Alex groaned, pulling himself into another broadway sweatshirt which said 'The Lion King' and boxers, which is usually his nighttime clothes all the time. John was in boxers and a 'Gryffindor' t-shirt, which him and Alex were in the same house.

"No! Your taking your medicine now." John sassed back, and Alex just groaned in response and pulled himself under the covers. He seemed better, but John wanted to make sure he was fine. John sat down on the bed next to him and pulled him up, then placed a soft kiss on his nose. "Okay. In the morning." John tilted his head, and Alex nodded. "Fine, mom!"

John groaned and turned off the light, pulling Alex up to his side and cuddling with him as they fell asleep. John noticed Alex seemed a lot better than earlier, and he felt better. He worried too much.

-it was 10ish, now it's a time skip to around 2 am. a lil fluff.-

John woke up to being kicked and sat up, seeing a sweating Alex kicking everywhere and basically hyperventilating. John shook him up and Alex awoke, and started to burst into tears. John wrapped his arms around him and let Alex cry, waiting for him to talk.

"John, I-I had a-another n-nightmare." Alex sobbed, and John just held his face and did their normal breathing routine for when one of them has trouble breathing, and that happens a lot. Once Alex calmed down, John kissed all over his face and made Alex burst into giggles. That always worked.

"Sunshine, tell me what happened." John sighed, still holding Alex.. but loosely. Alex was looking up at him and took a deep breath.

"I-It was about you and me, and there was a storm, and I lost you.... a-and I was so upset and sad and I ne-never for-" he was cut off by John pullling him into a deep kiss, reassuring him it was all a dream.

"Lex, it was a dream. I'm here now and we're together and everything is fine." Alex nodded and layed back down, pulling John with him. They cuddled eachother until they fell asleep.

hopefully this makes up for the time I've been gone!
I've gotten over 100 reads in a day and I'm shOOK
I love you all!

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