Chapter 10

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I'm holding my breath
My tongue on your chest
What can be said of my heart?
If history speaks,
The kiss on my cheek
Where there remains but a mark.
Beloved my John,
So I'll carry on.
Counting my cards down to one.
And when I am dead,
Come visit my bed,
My fossil is bright in the sun.

-Alex's POV-
It's been a day since the accident. Alex hasn't been able to see him since then. Right now, John is about to get out of surgery and can have visitors in about a couple hours. Lafayette, Hercules, Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy have all came at separate times to comfort Alex (who's been here all the time.) They're hurting too, but nobody can possibly imagine what he's going through.

Alex has drinken atleast 10 cups of coffee and hasn't let go of the flowers that John went to retrieve. They are in his lap right now. He thought he could run out of tears, but he hasn't. He has his headphones in, listening to some Adele while drinking scorching hot coffee.

Time has probably gone fast, because the nurse walked out and gestured Alex into John's room. Alex sat in his seat in shock, then took off his headphones and threw away his coffee. When he walked in the room, he saw John in the bed with tubes everywhere sound asleep. Alex just squeezed the flowers tighter and sat on the chair next to the hospital bed, and started singing.

"Moon river,
wider than a mile.
I'm crossing you in style,
Oh dream maker,
you heart breaker.
Wherever your going,
I'm going your way.
Two drifters,
off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world to see.
We're after the same rainbow end.
Waiting around the bend,
my huckleberry friend.
Moon river,
and me."

Alex sniffed, holding his head down. John always said he had a wonderful voice and 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' was one of their favorite older movies to watch. John must've woken up, because from the bed he heard a sniff.

"John?!" Alex almost screamed in surprise. He put the flowers on the chair and stood up, looking at John. John was wiping his eyes and turned to the side. He looked up at Alex and started crying harder, even though it hurt to.

"S-Stop crying, stop." Alex demanded. He was silently crying. He hated hospitals and sadness. After a second, John calmed himself down. He sat up and looked at Alex, who was silently crying. Alex grabbed his hand, rubbing circles.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." John repeated, Alex just slowly shaking his head. "John, do you want to see something?" Alex sniffed, and John nodded. Alex grabbed the wilted flowers on the chair and put it in John's lap, and made John cry harder.

"I wanna go home." John sobbed, and Alex shook his head again. "They're letting you go in a couple days." John nodded, looking at Alex again. Alex seemed more broken then John, but he had his strong face on. "Are you going to leave?" John sniffed, and Alex broke down again. How can he think he would leave? Why would he leave? Does John want him to leave?

"N-No. I'm never leaving." Alex wiped his eyes, and gently sat next to John on the bed. John leaned on him and sniffed again, not saying anything. The two were left in silence. They both fell asleep with the smell of black coffee and tears around them.

-Peggy's POV-
Peggy decided to see Alex and John today. She remembered the nurse telling her John would be able to have visitors today and she decided Alex would probably be a mess. She threw on a yellow sweater and jeans, then slipped on her dirty converse.

She could get them Starbucks, but she got them  pizza instead. She got a cheese pizza and a big bottle of sprite (their favorite) with cups. She walked into the room and saw John sound asleep against Alex, and Alex rubbing his tattoo. Peggy bit her lip and sat down on a chair, and Alex looked up and smiled.

"Can you wake him up?" Peggy mouthed, and Alex nodded. He gently shook him up and he woke, then perked up when he saw Peggy. "Peg!" John squealed, and they all burst into laughter.

"I got pizza!" She smiled, then brought the pizza and sprite over to them. She sat on the edge of the bed drinking her sprite while talking to them for a couple hours. They didn't bring up what happened or how John was feeling, they just talked.

After a while, Peggy had to leave. She got into her car and drove off, a crying mess. John and Alex both looked broken and she hated it. They were both her best friends and she wanted them happy. Why can't that happen for everyone?

-Alex's POV-
Alex was nervous because John was getting released tomorrow, according to the nurse. They said he broke his ankle and injured his arm, but otherwise for a few cuts and bruises, he was okay. Alex didn't believe it, but he accepted it, as long as John was happy and at home. They finished the pizza and sprite, then just sat on the bed again and talked.

"It hurts."

"What hurts, John?" Alex perked up, shifting so he was facing John. John looked down and shrugged, until Alex grabbed his face and made him look up again. "Seeing you hurt."

"I'm not hurt!" Alex demanded, which made John bite his lip and stare at him. John wasn't lying, he hated seeing Alex have to deal with this and him. "Okay.." John trailed off, wiping his eyes.

Alex and John sat in silence again. The couple that wouldn't stop talking even about nonsense, had no words to say whatsoever. When someone you love so much is hurt, your hurt. Soulmates are one. John let a tear slip, then a minute later, Alex did too.

It was 10:00 p.m. and all John wanted was so leave and be in his dorm with Alex and their turtles. He wanted to be in his bed holding Alex again. "John?" "Yes?" "I wanna go to sleep." Alex sighed, then John nodded.

They layed down in the hospital bed cuddling up to eachother. They survived something so terrible together. They survived because they had the other as support. They had eachother.

Are we to speak,
first day of the week.
Stumbling words at the bar.
Beauty blue eyes,
my order of fries.
Long Island kindness and wine.
Beloved of John,
I get it all wrong.
I read you for some kind of poem.
Covered in lines,
the fossils I find,
have they no life of their own?

Yo I'm sorry
This was pretty depressing to write
Here's the songs I used:
"Beloved of John" by Sufjan Stevens
"Moon River" by Audrey Hepburn.

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