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" When I close my eyes and count one and two
Before I know it, I’m asleep and
I look for you in my dream unknowingly
I think it’s a lie that I want to forget you "


"Liam, I'm so not going to be able to survive this year." Louis said as they pulled up to campus.

"You'll be fine, Louis." Liam sighed, turning the car off. He had to admit, he was tired. A certain bleach blonde had been texting him all night to find out if Louis and Harry were talking or not.

Per usual, Liam knew everything happening between the two, Louis and Harry always ranted to him. But Niall's constant nagging and whatnot was driving him up the walls and he couldn't take it anymore.

"Lou, I'm gonna go meet up with Zayn, its his first day back. You'll be fine on your own, yeah?" Liam was that older, over protective, brother everyone wanted.

"I'll be fine. Don't get caught fucking him in the bathroom please."

Liam blushed and denied the fact that they'd do it in the bathroom, Louis knew they would because poor Louis has walked in on it before.

Not really knowing where to go, Louis just put on some headphones and sat on a little bench by the building where his first period was.

Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran was the first song Spotify had decided to play.

Louis sang along softly to himself. The song itself made him emotional, but it was one of his favorite songs. It didn't help that the song brought up memories of Louis singing and watching Harry fond. Oh no. That's what made Louis want to jump off a cliff.

"You still have such an amazing voice." Harry said, scaring the shit out of Louis.

"You know, a simple tap on the shoulder and a 'hi' would've sufficed. You didn't have to sneak up and whisper that in my ear, therefore, scaring the actual shit out of me." Louis breathed, pausing the song.

Harry smirked, "You didn't deny the fact that you have a good voice."

"Shut up." Louis tried to hide the smile, slight blush on his face. He hated the affect Harry had on him.

"You know you do." Harry insisted.

"Don't you have a boyfriend to go complement?" Louis suddenly sassed.

He didn't want to fall into the trap. Sure, he enjoyed Harry's company. Yeah, he liked being around Harry.

But when Harry was there he felt like nothing ever happened. And in Louis' mind, that was bad. 'Cause at that point Louis would forget that Harry wasn't his.

Harry had a boyfriend who he should spend time with, and he hated himself for forgetting that fact when he and Harry were together. And they had been together a lot since school had started.

However, Harry was silent for a moment. He stared at the ground and sucked on his bottom lip. Because Louis was right. He did have a boyfriend he should be talking to, rather than sitting here with Louis.

"I do." was all Harry could manage to say in response.

"Maybe you should.....y'know, go talk to him. I mean, I know what its like to feel neglected, and believe you me, my friend, its not fun." that statement even made Louis feel a bit bad.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐊 | 𝙎𝙏𝙔𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now