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"All I know at the end of the day,
is you want what you want,
and you say what you say.
All I know at the end of the day,
is you love who you love,
there ain't no other way.
If there's something I've learned,
from a million mistakes, you're the one that I want,
at the end of the day."


Two months had passed like it was nothing. And as the afternoon announcements began playing, the two boys learned that it was time for students to being paying for their prom tickets, starting as soon as the bell rang that day.

Louis had government, and Harry had computers - the two had schedule changes because as much as they love each other, they couldn't really focus in class, as they were always cracking jokes and whatnot.

So as the bell rang, Louis got a text from Harry saying that he was going to be a little bit late, and that he'd meet him at his car. So he didn't think much of it, deciding that it was probably just because he was coming from the other side of the school.

He was sitting on the hood of Harry's car, scrolling through his timeline and tweeting about how he hated how impatient he could be, when he saw Zane walking over to him.

"What do you want, Malik?" Louis questioned.

"Nothing Louis." he smiled sheepishly, and then it happened.

Harry was walking over with the bouquet of roses in his left hand, (the school had been selling them, because what's a prom proposal without flowers?) and his right hand behind his back.

"Baby," he came over, pecking his lips, "would you be ever so kind as to be my prom date?" he then moved to show Louis two tickets.

The tears started coming as Louis nodded his head fast. Everything was turning out perfect, and as Louis said yes to confirm he wanted to go, Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around the boy, placing kisses to his forehead, nose, cheeks, and finally lips.

Everything was perfect.


Prom was this weekend, and Louis was panicking. His mom already bought him a new tux, and he helped Harry pick one out. Harry insisted on buying the boy a corsage because they just had to be that cliche couple.

But Louis secretly loved it, so there was really no harm.

What Louis didn't know is that Harry had already prepared a hotel room for them the night of prom, and he was going to have his sister go and spice the room up with candles and rose petals. He planned on that being their second and last first time.

He also bought Louis a promise ring, and was going to give it him the night prom, a symbol of the fact that this time around, he meant it when he said he'd never leave Louis.

It was going to be perfect.

As saturday rolled around, Louis was getting ready, listening to the playlist of songs that reminded him of Harry, it consisted of lots of Ed Sheeran, which put Louis in such a good mood. He'd also added some of the songs Harry liked, and always fonded over how Harry loved a variety of music, and never stuck to one genre.

It didn't take him very long to get ready, and when he was done, he texted Harry letting him know to make the very long walk directly across the street to his house, whenever he was ready. Low and behold, Harry showed up at the door five minutes later.

He smiled when he walked into Louis' room, watching him sing as the boy gathered his belongings into his pocket.

"There's my boy." he spoke, voice low as he set the corsage down, and walked to stan in front of Louis.

"Hi baby." he smiled, getting on his tip-toes to kiss Harry softly, to which Harry reciprocates, placing one of his hands on the small of Louis' back, and the other on the top of his ass.

He pulls back, smiles at Louis, and grabs the corsage, and pins it on Louis shirt. He kisses Louis' forehead when he finishes it and mumbles something about how much he loves Louis.

Tonight is going to be perfect.


The dance is already half way over and they're having the time of their lives. They've taken enough pictures to last them a life time, and as the first slow song of the night comes on, Harry knows it's time.

He and Louis are in a corner of the room, where there weren't many people, holding each other close and swaying to the music, when he pulls back. Louis reflexively furrows his eyebrows and tilts his head to the side, only growing more confused when all Harry did was smile.

He pulled a little pouch out of his pocket, then proceeded to pull a ring out of the pouch. He held it out for Louis, and began to speak.

"I love you. I love you so fucking much, I promise to never hurt you intentionally, and I promise to never leave you again. I hope that you'll accept this ring, and that one day, you'll give me the honor of replacing it with an engagement ring." Harry had never been one for speeches.

But that didn't make anything any less special. Louis was at a loss for words and could only nod his head, before screaming then word 'yes' repeatedly. Harry smiled and placed the ring on his finger, and picked his boy up. He spun him around and carefully placed him on his feet before kissing him with so, so much passion.

The remainder of the night Louis didn't stop staring at the ring. It had a hint of blue in it, and had 'I love you' engraved in to it. He really felt like the luckiest man alive.

But oh, there was so much more to come; and that too was going to be perfect.


ITS BEEN AGES BUT I think im gonna end it soooooon

all the love dj c dizzle

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