Falls on Stage

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Before I say anything else, let me apologize to all of you for how long it has taken me to update. School started (yeah yeah, I know, common excuse) and I had my birthday and family recently come visit, so it was hard to find time to write.

Anyways, this was a request by LindseyDavis618. I think this is the video you were referring to?? I hope so, and if not, I hope it didn't effect the outcome of this oneshot to much. Let me know what you think and if you want anything changed- sorry it took so long to have up. xx

So basically, this oneshot is based on the video attached where Louis falls on stage. Instead of being okay though, his injuries are worse than they actually were and basically it's just Larry fluff.

I hope it's as fluffy and cute as I tried making it. Please comment!


The boys were all currently in rehearsal for their concert later that night. Not that the venue they would be performing at would be much different than past ones, but they did like to change their routine up a bit each concert.

Louis, was messing around- as per usual. Their choreographer normally had enough patience stored within him to deal with the boys (mostly Louis) and their antics, but today it was obvious he was clearly irritated.

"Will you cut that shit out?" He finally snapped when Louis- once again- failed to listen to his given instructions and chose to go mess with Liam instead. "You perform in only a couple hours. you seriously can't grow up or at least act mature until then?"

Harry frowned at the man's tone. Yeah, he knew his boyfriend could be a handlful at times- boy, did he know- but it still bothered him. "There's no need to be rude," he spoke up.

He could feel a short pair of arms begin to circle around his torso, and couldn't help but smile at the touch, automatically knowing who it belonged to.

"Hey, Haz" Louis said into his back, voice much softer than it had been moments ago.

"Hi, Lou," Harry spoke and turned so he could face Louis. "You sure aren't making this easy for anyone this morning, are you?"

Louis pouted and moved to brush the fringe out of his eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh you know damn well," the choreographer could only throw his hand up in the air in defeat. "I know you guys aren't big on choreography and organisation and all that, but if things keep going the way they are currently tonight's concert is going to he nothing but a mess."

"We practically do the same routine every night," Zayn added helpfully. "The fans like how carefree we are on stage."

"You won't be carefree if you constantly make mistakes and mess up everything because this one here," he jabbed a finger at Louis. "Couldn't stop messing around and ruined everything."

"Hey!" Harry defended. "Why don't you stop harassing Louis and instead help us then?"

Not for the first time, the choreographer threw his hands up in the air, "You know what? I'm done!" He began making his way towards the exit. "Good luck on your show tonight, lads," he snapped as he made his way out the door.

"Well, that was eventful," Niall remarked once they were all alone.

"Is he gone?" Louis peeked out from behind Harry's shoulder. Seeing that indeed he was, he suddenly flew out and attacked Liam to the ground. "Gotcha!"

"Louis-the fuck!" Liam said gruffly as he tried fighting the lad off.

"Just because he's gone doesn't mean we should stop working," Harry tried to point out, but it was proved futile as the boys on the ground were too busy wrestling to notice.

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