Damn Dog

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All I have to say before starting this is all of you reading this deserves better than a shitty author who can't even come up with a regular (or consistent, for that matter) updating schedule.

This was a request from TheExstaticSandman. I am super sorry for how short it is, but I hope this is kind of what you had in mind??

Please leave me your thoughts! :) if you have a request, comment! xx

This is basically pure fluff.


Harry had to suppress a laugh as he looked down at his phone, an amused smile taking over his face as he scrolled through social media. Contrary to belief, he himself didn't have his own secret fan account, but that didn't mean he limited himself from looking through others. He thought it was fun to see the wild (and mainly, dramatic, he had to admit) reactions he gained from the fans.

"What's got you all giggly this fine afternoon?" Harry looked up at the sound of his boyfriend's voice. Louis had two cups of tea in his hand and a bright grin on his lips. With his hair tousled into a fringe that fell over his eyes, Harry thought he looked rather soft.

Louis handed him a mug and Harry was pleased to find it contained hot cocoa, not tea as he had originally presumed. "Hmm," he closed his eyes and breathed in the sweet scent. "You're the greatest, Lou," he purred and puckered up his lips for a kiss. Louis rolled his eyes fondly but obliged before climbing in next to him on the couch, carelessly throwing a blanket over the two of them.

He was quick to press his lips to Harry's cheek and rest a hand in his curls. Harry leaned into him automatically, nuzzling into his neck, "Is Cliff outside?"

Huffing, Louis complained, "Yes, finally. Took me running around the kitchen a few times to get him there, damn dog."

Harry rolled his eyes at this, "You love him. More than you love me, I'd be willing to bet."

"Oi," Louis pinched his side in mock anger, causing Harry to throw his head back in joyous laughter. When he looked back up at Louis, his green eyes were sparkling as he spoke, "I still say we need to get a house cat."

"No way in hell."

"Louis!" Harry pouted but let the conversation go. He knew it wasn't going to be today, but Louis would give in to his wants eventually. Instead, he held his phone out for Louis to see. "Look at what the Larries are saying about us."

Louis gave him a playful side-eye but took the phone nonetheless. "So, they think we spent last weekend in Japan?" He had a mischievous look in his eyes. "What a coincidence."

Harry nodded, almost seeming proud. "Yes! And see here," he reached over Louis' arm so he could scroll further. "They even noticed the addition of the new ring on my finger here."

Continuing further, Harry showed him a post he had stumbled upon several months ago. "And here they have a set timeline and masterpost of the times you were on tour with me. And for the most part, they were fairly on point."

Harry was practically bursting with pride at what the 'larry shippers' had put together. Louis whistled. "It's crazy, innit?" He spoke with a smirk. "It's almost like larry is real."

He ended up whispering the last part, and Harry rolled his eyes at the sarcasm. "There's no reason to make fun of me." He took his phone from Louis' hands before crossing his arms with a pout.

"Awe, babe," Louis could practically feel his entire face soften as he leaned closer to Harry and nosed at his jaw.

The younger lad instantly became pliant as Louis softly began to push him backward, his back pressing against the couch. Louis placed his hands on either side of Harry's head and leaned down, allowing their chests to touch. Harry's eyes met the blue of Louis', and his breath hitched as Louis caught his lips in a kiss. Their lips moved together tenderly before a faster pace was then established between the pair. 

"Mmm," Louis' eyes remained closed as he rested his chin on the other lad's chest. "I love you," he looked up at him then, an almost dreamy look in his blue irises.

Giggling, Harry reached out a hand and stroked his cheek. His cheeks were a rosy red.

"You know," Louis spoke from where his face was buried in Harry's chest. "We're gonna have to start being more careful if we don't- assuming we don't, that is- want the internet to be aware of everything we are doing." He could feel Harry's laughter in the way his chest vibrated against his cheek. Wanting to see rather than feel, he glimpsed at Harry through his eyelashes.

His smile was so bright, and dimples so deep, Louis wanted to live in this moment forever.

However, the universe- or, more accurately, Clifford- had other plans.

It wasn't long before a scratching sound could be heard against the door of the kitchen, followed by the unmistakable sound of a howling.

"Damn dog," Louis grumbled, reluctantly pushing himself off of the couch and Harry. Harry, in turn, could only giggle at his boyfriend's annoyance.

"You love it," he countered as Louis shot him a (mock) glare.

"Yeah, yeah," Louis waved him off, but even as he sauntered away towards the kitchen, the fond in his voice was impossible to miss.


If it wasn't obvious, I am such a sucker for domestic!larry. This whole thing was so sappy and sweet it's (almost) disgusting.

Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading. I don't know a lot of you guys, but I really do appreciate the support you have given me on this book.

Until the next update,
treat people with kindness, always

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