二十九 i love him

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the next morning the boys did not want get up, if the did then everything that happened last night would be real

"Cal, are you up" Michael whispered and looked up at his boyfriend and calum nodded

"We she to go talk to them" calum said and Michael made a face "dont be that way baby, we made a mistake and we have to try to face it, c'mon"

"Okay" Michael mumbled and got dressed and calum just threw a shirt on not caring that he was still in his pajama shorts

"Okay" Michael mumbled and got dressed and calum just threw a shirt on not caring that he was still in his pajama  shorts

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"You always look so good" claim said and hugged Michael from behind

"Thanks, but I'm not a mirror" michael said and made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and calum followed

"How do you think she found the camera?" Calum asked, spitting toothpaste into the sink

"It was on my bed, I was watching it earlier yesterday, I forgot to put it back in your closet" Calum just sighed and finished brushing his teeth. When they were done getting ready they walked downstairs hand in hand, but claim stopped halfway

"You do know that whatever happens next, will not change the way I feel about you, okay? I love you so much and I'm not going to let this prevent me from seeing you again" calum said and squeezed Michael's hand

"I know, I love you too" Michael smiled and pulled Calum in for a long and passionate kiss

"Are you done? We have a lot to talk about" Karen said and the boys pulled away and walked to the dining room together

"Where do I start?" Karen thought out loud "why don't I have your dad call your mom, calum, and Michael, I'll call your dad" Karen did as she said and next thing they knew their parents were at the door, just as pissed as Karen and Jackson were

"Calum, what the fuck?" That was the first thing he heard from his mom, no hi, no how are you, Michael was definitely getting it better

"Oh my poor son, are you okay? Did this boy hurt you?" His dad asked kissing Michael's cheeks

"No, I'm fine"

"Are you sure baby, you know I'll chop his balls off" He said glaring at the kiwi boy that sat next to his son

"God damn, I said I'm fine, you know you don't have to treat my like I'm five" Michael rolled his eyes and his dad backed up

"Right, sorry, lets talk about the situation at hand"

Karen went on for an hour about how she felt that her only son "betrayed" her and that calum was a pig and all the adults agreed

"Calum, I think you should come live with me, until your feelings for Michael go away" Calums mom said and Jackson nodded

"Get to packing, you're not coming back till your feelings for him go away" Jackson said with a stern tone in his voice

"My feelings for him aren't going away, I love him" Calum said and walked to his room, dragging Michael behind him. Karen sighed but didn't stop them, at this point in time, stopping them wouldn't do anything

"I have an idea" calum said and closed his door

"What? Not another sex tape?" Michael said and threw himself on the bed

"No, not another sex tape"

"The what is it?" Michael sat up on the bed and Calum sat next to him, grabbing his boyfriends small hands

"This might sound really crazy, but I know if I go live with my mom I really won't be able to see you again" calum trailed off and Michael furrowed his eyebrows

"What are you getting at?"

"Run away with me, we can take a bus to the airport and fly to Washington"

"Wait really?" Calum nodded and looked at his boyfriend with hopeful eyes "yeah, I'll go with you" calum smiled and pulled michael in for a kiss

"Start packing, I already bought the tickets, we leave at 5 am" michael nodded and hurried into his room packing everything that meant something to him

Bro. The book is over, the next update will be and epilogue, thank you all so much for reading, it really means a lot to me, you can add me on Snapchat: http.knee, the next story will be lashton 😋 the first chapter should be out late today or tomorrow

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