Chapter 14

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I placed a letter to president edd's locker and wrote:
Dear Edd,
       I wanted to tell you something about love,i want to confess to you at the rooftop at 5:00pm later.
Of course he fell for it,i just added tom in the end and he did what it said,idiot.I walked up to the rooftop and hid,i saw him standing there while blushing and looking at the letter.I was interrupted by none other than tom,why was he here?!

"Hey pres,what brings you here?"tom said while walking towards him
"O-oh!thomas!i-i received a letter of confession from you,do you remember??"edd said while stuttering and blushing
"Oh yeah!i wanted to ask you something"
"W-what is it?"
"I wanted to ask you if you could help me tommorow with what should i pick on my tux at the party"tom said happily
"Thanks!lets go!"tom said holding his hand
They left the rooftop,plan A ruined by lovely sweet tommy.Oh how i already planned this but i guess i'll switch to another person then

I checked my list of rivals...
Look who we got here

Look who got a free time!me!i know its short but here you guys are!enjoy :)

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