Chapter 21

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Future Au
Its been years now,i work as a police with edd by my side.I have a goggles on because of my eye cancer,i still have tommy bear by my side.I have a admirer named Matt,well edd isn't giving up too.I usually catch bad guys because that's my job,i drink now too.Matt always advises me to stop drinking,he's not my dad why would he tell me that?Anyways!we're given an assignment to research about the red army,I'm really curious on how they got bigger on soldiers.I'm still traumatized on how Tord killed my friends when we we're in highschool,i hope they didn't let him out from prison.

"THOMAS!!"Matt screamed running quickly,while he's running he grabbed me and placed me in his shoulder
"What the hell matt???!!!"i growled
"WE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE THE RED ARMY IS ATTACKING THE CITY!!!"He said jumping to our hiding spot underground
"Where are the others?!!where's edd?!!"i cried
"Edd's running behind us earlier!!i don't know where he is-"
"I'm right here idiot"edd said while going down the stairs
"Our police officers were captured"he said boredly
"You don't seemed suprised sir edd"i said approaching him while crossing my arm
"W-well i don't care about those dumbasses,they are just lazy as hell"he said looking at the left.I chuckled on this scene,anyways we need to make a plan on how we can get out and escape.

"I know!we'll make edd as bait then we can escape tom and live happily ever after"matt said
"In your dreams matt"edd said aggresively

There was an explosion on top of us,i can't see because of the smoke

"Hello Thomas"

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