Chapter 24

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I screamed at the guards who kidnapped us.
"Shut up you big baby,your friend is alright...i think"the big bushy eyebrow said
"Look.Why did you kidnapped us?"i said
"I don't honestly know,anyways we got to go"he said leaving the metal door.
"Edd,how are we get out of here?"
"I don't know but we got to be quick."
We thinked on how are we gonna escape then the metal door opened,it was thomas.
"Guys!!we need to get out of here quick!!"he screamed
"Yes we know but were still thinking on how-"i was cut off when tom pulled us and ran,the three of us ran until the soldiers saw us and chased us.
"Shit!!"i muttered
"There's the door!!!"Tom said happily but was shot by a,syringe?Edd was shot too.After i saw edd got shot i blacked out.

Idiots.They cannot escape this base because it is huge,larger than the white house.I walked towards tom's body and carried him into my shoulder.He was quietly snoring,he's adorable when sleeping.I walk towards my room and gently placed his body on the bed,i placed the sheets on him so he won't feel cold.I quietly snuck out of the room and go to the prison cells,i saw edd and matthew there.I believe he's the man tom's married with,i can't believe he married that guy.

"Hello Edd,Matthew"i said waking the two up
"Why hello Tord,long time no see.Did you killed someone this time?"edd said sarcastically
"No,but i think today is"i chuckled at my own joke,They look terrified of what i said.
"Can't take a joke?besides you two are invited to my wedding"i said happily
"Who's the unlucky guy?"edd said again
"Remember Thomas?He's my bride"i evily grinned
"Don't worry,he'll be okay now without you"
"YOU MONSTER!!!!"Edd screamed
"Don't be late"i said going out of the door and towards my room,i saw tom still sleeping peacefully.I jumped to the bed and quickly hugged him.

"This is great,you me cuddling"i said
Until i remembered about the wedding i'm gonna plan,what about the dress?the decorations?the ring??I quickly jumped out of the bed and called pat and pau.
"Pau!Pat!get the decorations!dress!and most importantly the ring!"i quietly screamed
"Okay sir,but what color?"Pat said giggling
"Blue and Red"i said unamused
"Alright red leader"pau said
I turned off the phone and cuddled tom
"Today's okay"i said until falling asleep

Okay,woah that's a huge ass reads.Anyways here's my pay!!!♡♡♡

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