4. I Don't Need Your Reasons

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When We Were Young

I Don't Need Your Reasons

I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid. I'm so so so stupid.

I climbed out of the cab after paying and looked up at my house. The lights were on downstairs and in my brothers room meaning everyone was still awake.

"Thanks." I told the cab driver as I shut the door. I headed up the path with heavy feet feeling like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. I made it to the porch and sat down, leaning back against the railing with my legs stretched out in front of me. Tonight did not end like I thought it would.

The door clicked open and I knew who it was without even looking. "You're home early." Caleb said, shutting the door behind him. He sat in front of me, looking out over the front yard.

"Things change."

I could hear the sadness in his voice. "I'm sorry, Carmen."

I shook my head, looking at him for the first time. "You were right. He's not who I thought he was."

"So he admitted it then?"

I shook my head. "He didn't need to."

Caleb frowned. "You didn't let him explain."

I stared incredulously at my twin. "You told me what he was like. You're my brother. I believe you."

Caleb ran a hand over his hair sighing heavily. "I didn't say it as fact, Carmen."

"So what? I was wrong? Look from what I can tell Jensen had taken me on the exact same date he'd taken Kara on and apparently a multitude of other girls, why would he treat me any differently to the way he treated Kara if he can't even take me on a different date to her?"

Caleb laughed a little and I frowned angrily at him. "Don't you think you're overreacting a little bit? Ok so maybe taking you on the same date as Kara was a dumb idea. But I don't think he's as experienced at dating as Kara likes to make him out to be. I just think maybe you should speak to him before you go pushing him away."

Maybe he was right. Was I overreacting? Should I have let him explain? "Gah!" I exclaimed, letting my head fall forward into my hands. "Why is this dating thing so hard? I just wanted to have a good time tonight with a cute boy and not be so paranoid for once in my life. Good job I did of that."

Just then the squeal of tyres rang out down the street making me look up as a red truck came into view.

"Can't he just drive like a normal person?" I muttered making Caleb laugh again. We both watched as Jensen screeched to a halt in front of our house and quickly climbed out, spotting me on the porch instantly.

Caleb reached out, patting my leg supportively. "Yell if you need me." He said before leaving me on the porch, watching Jensen approach me carefully.

Jensen didn't say anything, he just took his seat opposite me, mimicking the way I was sitting and we stared one another down for awhile.

"You were so mad at me." He said softly. I nodded, keeping my eyes on him. "Kara had no right saying that to you. Because she's wrong. You are special."

I scoffed looking away.

"No, look at me Carmen." He moved quickly, sitting on the step below me as he pulled one of my hands into his. "Please look at me."

I gave in, because I would've given him anything he wanted. I met his eyes and he looked so sad and I reached up without thinking, running my fingers down his cheek. "You look so sad." I whispered and he shut his eyes, leaning into my touch.

When We Were Young (A Jensen Ackles Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now