12. What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

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Spotify Story Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/1253372708/playlist/3m0QNm1QPmpL0ejW0vIUxJ

When We Were Young

12. What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

I took a few days off school to recuperate after the milkshake incident. The entire school would have heard by the Sunday as I'm sure it would have been something Kara would have liked to brag about.

I didn't go to church but the minister came by and saw me. Jensen didn't leave my side. He didn't even go to school until Wednesday when his mom and I made him.

His parents were around a lot, helping out where they could, sitting with me, keeping me occupied. Mackenzie spent 4 hours one night meticulously braiding my hair. Josh sat and read with me, in total silence but it was nice to have the company.

Scott and Lydia came over most days after school as well.

My beautiful extended family. I was very lucky.

And Jensen. He was more than I could have asked for. He comforted me, and kept me fed. He held me while I slept and made me smile even when all I wanted to do was cry.

Thursday I decided to go back to school and he came to my house early, knocking on my door with a plate of toast and tea.

He sat on my bed, rubbing my wrist soothingly while I ate and cleared up the dishes while I showered. I wore dark blue tights and a black woollen jumper, knowing winter was well and truly upon us.

We were two weeks out from Christmas and rehearsals had already started for the musical. Jensen had gone to a few but I had yet to make an appearance.

I pulled on my brand new burgundy coat that my parents had replaced, since my other one was covered in milkshake. More collateral damage. They also replaced my white converse, since they were my favourite shoes. I pulled them on, tying them up.

Jensen came in and moved to my backpack, putting the homework he and Caleb had bought home for me inside before zipping it up.

I stood and he smiled over at me. "Are you sure you're ready to do this?"

I walked to him, wrapping myself around him, my head resting gently on his shoulder. "I won't let them win. They think they hold this power over me. They don't. I won't let them."

I looked back into his eyes, standing up and he ran his hand down my cheek, holding the back of my neck. "I'll be with you every step of the way. Principal Jenkins said I could sit in your classes with you, just for today. Make sure you're okay."

"I don't think that'll be necessary. They narrowly escaped being expelled because it didn't happen on school property, they wouldn't dare touch me."

Jensen squeezed my neck, holding back a groan. "It's not the physical bullying I'm afraid of."

I smiled at him, reaching up to pull his hand from my neck. "I love you, but please don't choke me." His face changed and he threw me an apologetic smile. "I can handle them. I think they expected this to make me weak, but I'm done being weak. I'm done being scared. This is the first place in my whole life where I feel like I'm home and I'm not about to let your twisted ex and her gang of try hard wannabes mess with my happiness anymore." I grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. "Let's do this." I nodded at him and marched out of my room and down the stairs.

Jensen followed along behind me. We said goodbye to my mother, grabbed Caleb and headed to the truck. And I was fine and determined until we pulled up to the school. Jensen slid into a carpark and for once we weren't surrounded by his friends. Just the comforting sight of Lydia and Scott, waiting a few feet away, hand in hand.

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