6. Shes So Afraid to Kiss

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A/N: Spotify Story Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/1253372708/playlist/3m0QNm1QPmpL0ejW0vIUxJ

When We Were Young

6. She's So Afraid to Kiss

The first few months of our relationship were bliss. There was no other way to describe it. Jensen was more than I ever could've imagined. He was attentive and protective, encouraging and kind. Every day I spent with him I fell for him a little harder, a little more than the day before.

And the more time I spent around him, being in his presence and bonding with him I began to change too. My nerves weren't as easily rattled as they once were. I sung in church more often. Michael, the worship leader had even begun to give me singing lessons, teaching me how to breathe better so I could get more power out.

School was so different as well. A few of Jensens friends had returned to his side. He introduced me to them one at a time, outside of school hours so it wasn't so intimidating. Two I had grown most close with were Scott and Lydia. Scott was Jensens oldest friend. They had met in preschool and had been friends ever since. Scott had explained to Jensen that the only reason he stayed so distant for so long was because he was jealous that Jensen wanted to spend so much of his time with a total stranger.

I understood that and so did Jensen. Jen made more of an effort after that to hang out with him. And that's how I got closer to Lydia, Scott's long time girlfriend and also childhood friend of Jensens. She was fun, and confident. Funny without meaning to be. She and I got along right away, almost like a sister I never had. She helped me a lot to figure out certain behaviours of Jensens.

Something I came to learn was that although Jensen was popular and friendly, outgoing and charming, he was also incredibly introverted. He lived in his head most of the time, as did I, so although it was something we both found we had in common it sometimes meant it took a little longer for us to be ready to openly share our feelings to one another. Which was frustrating.

Kara had backed off for the most part. Although she had made the rest of Jensens large friend group choose side's and they split 50/50 much to Jensens disappointment. Some of those people he'd known his whole life. But he said it was worth it, that if he could keep me and Kara would leave me and him alone it was okay.

I did still feel for her. I saw her walking through the halls. One minute she'd be laughing with her friends and then the next she'd spot my hand in Jensens or his arm around me and her smile would disappear. Jensen never understood why I felt so much empathy for her. We sat in his room one day doing homework when the topic of Kara came up. We had had a beautiful dinner with his family that Donna had prepared and moved ourselves up to his room afterwards. He was sitting at his desk, his legs up on the surface, crossed at the ankle as he spun a basketball on his finger. I was on his bed, my back against the wall with my legs stretched out in front of me and one of Jensens jumpers keeping me warm. It was all very cosy.

He had looked up from his Chemistry homework and asked me out of nowhere why I felt bad for Kara. I hadn't mentioned it for awhile but be could see the guilt on my face when we saw her. "I just can't understand that after everything she did to you, and everything she did to me, what she tried to make me do, I don't understand why you still feel bad for her?"

I put my pencil down and looked at him. His stupid lips were pouting at me and it was awfully distracting since I was already surrounded by his scent since I was wearing his jumper. "I guess because I don't know her like you do. We have different opinions."

He actually looked a bit angry at me. "She was vile to you. She called you a freak."

I shrugged, fiddling the pencil between my fingers. "People can say some awful things when they're in pain. Besides it's not like she's wrong." I tried to laugh at off. But Jensen wasn't having it. He shook his head at me and then threw the ball at the wall and it bounced off, hitting one of his trophies that broke as it hit the floor. I nearly jumped out of my skin, a little squeal escaping my mouth. I looked at him wide eyed, in total shock, and to be honest I was a little scared.

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