Twin Twister

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Jayme's POV

"WHAT" I yelled. my name is Jayme Rivera I'm 17 years old. My birthday is April 27,1997. Now your probably wondering why the hell I'm yelling, well let me tell you my Parents or so i thought just told me I was ADOPTED.

"honey please let us explain we were only doing this to protect you" my mom calmly stated. "PROTECT ME FROM WHAT???" I yelled. Lily and Daniel (parents real names) didn't say anything. I was so pissed that my face was beat red you could see the smoke coming out of my ears. I walked out the house without uttering a single word to the both of them. I was walking to the beach. One day when I was little I found a secret cave. it was beautiful! it had a waterfall and the floor was so shiny you could see your reflection. but the 1 thing I love about this cave is that it lets me clear my head when I'm angry sad or depressed. After I finally processed that Daniel and Lily weren't really my parents I became determined to find my real family.

Jayson's POV

My name is Jayson Rivera I'm 17 year old. My birthday is April 27,1997.

I was sitting on the couch watching my favorite sport FOOTBALL on tv when both my parents came into the living room telling me that they got something to tell me.i paused the game and turned to my parents. " what is it?" My parents gave each other nervous looks. " is everything thing ok? DID SOMEONE DIE???" I asked. "nobody died Jayson" said my mom looking upset. "then what's wrong" I asked cluelessly "Son we don't no how to tell you this but....... when you were born we...... *sighs* you have a twin sister."

I just stared at both my parents before I started laughing. "your joking right???" But judging by the looks my parents I knew they were serious. " WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE A TWIN SISTER" I yelled. I'm pissed the fuck off, no I'm fucking furious. how could they keep something like this from me for 17YEARS. I walked right out the house to the beach I no a secret place that nobody knows about. I usually go there to clear my head. As I made my to this cave I thought of ways to find my sister. I was determined to find her no matter what happens.As I made my way into the entrance I saw a girl there. She seemed to be crying. then she looked up at me with wide eyes. I don't no why but she looks so familiar. I wonder why?

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