Arc 1: Chapter 9 Setting up the pieces(Part 2)

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(Medusa's POV)
Meanwhile in the mansion.

Geez, what was that all about? Knowing her, she probably made those jokes because she was depressed but why did my heart starting beating when she said that. We're best friends, friends for life but….This is getting ridiculous.

The kids went to bed earlier than I expected, I guess it's time for me to go to bed too but Lucy was grabbing my hand very tightly. Hmmmm, “You’re awake aren't you?” I asked, there was no response. Well then, I guess I have to resort to that tactic but it's too low, too low even for me.

It's time to tickle her! “Hahahaha! St-stop big sis! Hahahaha!” As expected, you're still awake. “You still have that much energy?” I sighed. “She's always like that.” Sarah said, she's awake too.

“Didn't I told you girls that staying up late isn't good for your body.” I said with a faint smile. “Big sis, are you trying to become our second mother?” Lucy asked, My eyes widen when she said that. They were listening. “You said “But two mothers for two daughters? might as well say marry me and become my wife.” Sarah responded. Such accuracy! Word for word. Oblivian what kind of kids did you gave birth to?

“I did say that but look, it would be weird to have two mothers, who will be the father then?” The kids were puzzled when I ask that question. They are going after all, there's no way they could come up for a question like that.

“Then Zero will become our father…” Sarah said.

“Nooooo! Papa Oblivion is papa no matter what.” Lucy responded with an annoying tone.

“Now, now, no fighting. how about this? Me and Oblivian will your two mother while Zero and Papa Oblivion will be the father.” What am I saying!?!? Oblivian still hasn't said anything about Lucy's father.

“Nooooooo! I want Papa Oblivion!”

“No! I want Zero to be my father!”

Ah….Such stubbornness, these two are fighting like dogs and cats. This is going to be a wild night.


It was 11:00 pm, I teleported myself to my seat, in front of the table that was in the throne room of Bloodsworn Castle, this is the second meeting now.

The empty seats were filling up just like the day that I was awoken from my deep slumber, I glance around the room to confirm everyone is here. Lilian is here too but she was the last one to appear, everyone was shocked to see her.

“Lilian! You're here!” Winter exclaimed, If I remember correctly, they were friends, at the same time enemies because their two tribes were fighting for hunting grounds up north.

“It's been awhile, Winter.” Lilian said with a smile.

“Care to explain of your disappearance?” Luna asked.

“You could say I was exiled by her majesty.” She responded, exiled, that would be a good cover up for abandoning her.

Everyone was shock when they heard that, on what reason did she get exiled for? To clear the confusion, I need to say something. “She was exiled for failing a mission that I gave her but she did a flawless task that greatly regain her position as one of my reapers, nothing more, nothing less.” I responded. “But it seems all of you still haven't learn proper table manners since our last meeting, isn't this the second disrespectful action you've done so far?” I added. I started at them coldly. Everyone in the room went quiet.”

“Now, let's begin. As you know, our current state of this country is improving very well. Luna and Solar give me a report.” I’ve been out of the loop ever since that I let them do what they do in the best interest of making this country a better place.

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