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61. Eat all your easter candy in one day.

62. Make your own secret language and talk to people in public using it.

63. Become Sam Pepper and ask strangers awkward and random questions on the street.

64. Dress in a solid color everyday. (monday wear all blue, tuesday wear all orange....ect....)

65. Do the smoothie change

66. Try juicing a potato without using a juicer or a bender or anything like that.

67. Vlog with strangers

68. Answer everything someone asks or says to you with *click* OR NAH!

69. Eat only cheese for one week ( plus water and stuff)

70. Get a box, make it a fort, pretend its a ship, call it relation so when your inside, your in a relationship. ( the only one ill probably ever b in :'(forever alone)

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