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Things to ask Siri!

121. Ask Siri where to burry a dead body.

122. Ask Siri if Santa Clause exists.

123. Ask Siri to make you a sandwich.

124. Ask Siri "when will pigs fly?"

125. Ask Siri if you need to take the blue pill or the red pill.

126. Ask Siri to " Talk Dirty To Me" ...........Trumpet sounds.........

127. Ask Siri where babies come from.

128. Ask Siri " How much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

129. Ask Siri if this dress makes your butt look big.

130. Ask Siri what its gender is.

A/N I know this isnt what I normally do on this story, but I was messing around with Siri the other day and asked some weird stuff. If you want me to do more of this stuff please let me know! Thanks guys, bye!

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