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Funny things to do in class

221. When the teacher finishes a sentence, get the whole class to stand up and applaud them.

222. If you're late for class, and your teacher is moaning at you, say "There's no need to be moaning, you still get paid".

223. When the teacher asks a question, get everyone to put their hands up, and make sure when people get picked that they must say "I forgot what I was gonna say".

224. At a totally random time, go sit on the floor for no apparent reason.

225. Ask the teacher if you can be excused because you want to skip class.

226. Make a map of the class and then use it whenever you need to go get something.

227. Change your accent every day.

228. Get one person to say "I agree" after the teacher said something, then have another person raise their hand and say "I second that" and then another person says "I third that" and keep on going until everyone has done it.

229. Answer every question with the same thing, "Abraham Lincoln".

230. Leave notes on the teacher's desk saying weird things like "Don't forget Tuesday" or "Have you checked the children for lice".

A/N the next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow, my connection is very low is is bot letting me on my internet. Im sorry but I could barley get this chapter up. Also the stories that I didn't upload in the past few weeks (differences and code name run) will be uploaded tomorrow and over the weekend! I also will be camping this weekend so the updating times may be a bit weird!

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