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"Do you wanna skip class and have some fun~?"

a) "Sure. ."

b) "No thanks, my mom would kill me!"


Izumi smirked while grabbing your hand, he began to guide you downtown. "We should go to the movie theaters!" He beamed in delight.

You silently nodded your head. You felt guilty for skipping, but didn't want to find out what happened if you had rejected his offer.

Walking downtown, the two of you finally reach the theater. "We should watch a scary movie! I love horror~" Izumi started to look for a movie, but paused when he noticed how pale you were.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Uhm, I don't like horror. . ."

He flashed you a big smile and patted your shoulder. "Awh, don't worry! I'll protect you," Izumi chuckled.

Feeling a little better, you nodded your head. Izumi soon resumed to finding a scary movie. Deciding on the movie Annabelle, Izumi and you went to go buy your tickets.

In line, you felt someone tap your shoulder so you turned around. A man probably in college stares at you with hungry eyes. "Hey, hottie," he smirks. "Uh, hi. .?" You awkwardly respond, glancing at Izumi with nervous eyes.

"Don't touch my girl," Izumi growled as he put his arm around my waist in a possessive manner. The older scoffed.

"Seriously. . .?" He looked at me in disbelief. "This scrawny boy is your boyfriend?"

I nodded. He scoffed again and pushed Izumi to the side, taking my hand. "Sorry, little boy, but I'm gonna take this cutie and show her what I real man is."

You gulped nervously. He really shouldn't have said that. . .

Before you knew it, Izumi ran up to you two and punch the guy. He landed on the floor with a loud thump, unconscious. Izumi violently grabbed my hand and gazed at me furiously.

"How could you just let him take you from me!?" He shouted, ignoring the concerned stares.

You flinched and looked at your feet, ashamed. "I- I'm sorry. ."

"Sorry, isn't going to make it better, Y/N!" He grabbed you by the hair and dragged you out of the movie theaters. Dragging you to a dark alleyway, Izumi threw you onto the dirty ground. "I-Izumi!?" You whimpered, rubbing your head.

"Shut up, you slut!"

You frowned at his harsh words and tried standing, but he pinned you to the ground. "Y/N, don't think you are going to get away so easily. . . You are going to be punished."

Your eyes stared up into his crazy ones. You notice that he started to sob as he gazed down at you with disappointment. "I'm sorry for doing this, but I can't trust you anymore. . ."

Izumi rubbed his eyes before revealing scissors.

"What are you- !?" You gasped when he brought the weapon to your pulsing throat, you shivered when the cold metal touched your flesh.

"Please, Izumi!! You can trust me!" You pleaded desperately.

"You are wrong," he whispered coldly before he slit your throat.


Izumi pouted and gave you sad eyes, but you resisted his cuteness and continued to walk to school. He shrugged it off, knowing not skipping class was a wise choice.

All day you felt someone staring you, your body shivered as you lazily walked to math class. You glanced over your shoulder, but saw no one.

Shaking your head, your legs picked up pace so you wouldn't be late for class.

Later, walking out of school with plans of heading home, Izumi nudged your shoulder. You acknowledged and greeted him with curiousity.

"Hey, Y/N~" He grabbed your hand and began to take you somewhere. "Where are we going?"

Izumi chuckled evilly. "It's a secret~!"

You're welcome for a longer a chapter lol!!

Yandere Male x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now