he hates

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Jack- that you call yourself ugly. He thinks you are the most beautiful girl he has ever laid eyes on. He just wants you to see yourself through his eyes.

Daniel- that you call yourself fat. He loves your body just the way it is. You have always thought you were fat by Daniel reminds you everyday that you're beautiful

Zach- that you think you need make up. You always wear makeup bc you think your ugly without it but zach thinks you look better without it.

Jonah- that you never take a compliment. You always think he's lying when he calls you beautiful or anything. He just wants to remind you that he loves everything about you.

Corbyn- that you always think you aren't good enough for him. You always think that he could find someone better than you... you feel like a burden to him but he always tells you that he couldn't live without you.

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