the adventure

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Leah P.O.V
I miss Robby I messed up big time I used him a and cheated on him I messed up I wish I could just undo everything I started crying again. I was staying at my friend Tory's house for awhile and she was out of town but since we where so close she gave me a key awhile ago and said I could stay when ever I needed to.

Robby's P.O.V
I didn't wake up until 4:00pm. I woke up crying I don't remember what my dreams where about but I guess they where sad enough to make me cry. I got up out of bed to grab a monster because I was thirsty and when I did I noticed that Sebastian was still asleep he is usually always asleep. I went back to my room and laid back in my bed and just played on my phone. I heard a knock on the door more than one and usually only 3 people do that and that's mally, Bryan, or johnnie. I opened the door to see Bryan and Johnnie well I knew why Bryan was here he lived here but I had no idea why Johnnie was here. Hi Johnnie and Bryan I said.
Hey they both said. so Johnnie why are you here? I said. Because mally was crying alot and talking to Alex about stuff that I don't want to know what its about Johnnie said. Wait mally actually came to Alex first and not Sebastian usually she comes to him first I said. yeah I know its really weird bryan said. Anyway come in guys I said. We went on you now and just kinda messed around until Sebastian woke up.

Sebastian's P.O.V
I woke up hearing people talking so I'm guess Robby and some of his friends are making a video so I didnt want to be loud and get in the way of there video so I just played on my phone and went on Instagram and saw that mally posted some pictures of her looking sad and random sad quotes and I knew what it was about well at least I think mally has always joked about sebmally being real and maybe she really did want it to be real now I feel bad.

*time skip*So to get my mind off of that Robby took me camping and we slept in the truck and it was awesome we sang songs made smores and more it was awesome

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*time skip*
So to get my mind off of that Robby took me camping and we slept in the truck and it was awesome we sang songs made smores and more it was awesome.
*the next day*
I posted this on my Snapchat  story when I woke up because Robby was still asleep

 *the next day* I posted this on my Snapchat  story when I woke up because Robby was still asleep

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purplepizza is real (Sebastian Meepz X Robbyepicsauce)Where stories live. Discover now