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the whole spiral restarted when she finished her exams.

Nina sighed as she finished reading through a section of her notes, trying to ignore the humidity. It was late at night, on the opposite side of the world to everyone she'd grown up with. The little radio next to her played softly, she'd turned down when she started to study, but found the noise relaxing.

Outside, the chicadas chirped merrily, an unwavering sound that rose and fell throughout the night. After almost a year here, Nina was used to it.

The moon was fat and round and there wasn't a cloud to hide the colour the sky was at midnight. The orange of the street lamp washed over her apartment block, but for once, everything was quiet.

It was because everyone had left, already. For their holidays.

Not their summer holiday, because this far south it was Winter. Summer was the six week break over Christmas that Nina didn't know what to do with herself over. Summer was pure bliss, and she spent half of it as a waitress at a bar on one of the infamous Cape Town beaches. The rest of the time was with her cousin and her band.

Even in Winter, in South Africa, the place was hot.

Nina was studying for her final end of term exam, Art. Because the school year is different in South Africa due to the change in seasons, the exams weren't as important. Nevertheless, Nina was leaving the day after this exam, so she wanted to make sure she left on a high.

She'd spent three terms abroad, something she'd spent a long time decided if she wanted to do it or not. It was mid-April now, so she had a long holiday until late September when her school year would start again.

Nina had already decided she'd take the time to pursue her music as a solo artist, not one as part of a band.

That was another reason she'd decided to move to South Africa for a year.

The band she'd spent time with had been pretty successful, run by her cousin who was the drummer. She'd loved every second of it, loved performing, recording, all of it. Nina wanted to do it all again, but on her own this time.

She looked forwards to it, and as she shut off her light and went to bed she couldn't help but fall even more in love with this place now that she knew this was her last night. Nina knew she'd miss it, but it was time to come home.



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