Writing Contest Time!!
The cover competition is still open, so make sure to have a look at that first! Results for that should be out in the next couple of weeks.
Some of you expressed an interest in a WRITING COMPETITION. So, get your pens out, open that notebook and start writing!
So, what actually is this contest?
It's an opportunity for you to share some amazing work, get feedback, and have it published as either part of an anthology, or as an additional chapter to Lost Royalty (all credit given to you of course!)
PRIZES will include dedications, feedback on other stories of your choice, follows, and actually getting some recognition for your work!
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS: write a chapter in the point of view/ or about someone in the story other than Elle or James. It can be anyone that you like! It doesn't even have to be a scene that is already in the story- you can make it up! (However please refrain from swearing or it won't be entered.)
The chapter will need to be less than 1000 WORDS and will need to be directly sent to me either by email or direct message (preferably as an email- thelittlemissreader@outlook.com). If you want to publish the chapter on your own profile, you may do so, but please also send it to me so I can post it too.
At the beginning of the chapter please put a short line explaining where/ when it is set, whose point of view is it in (or who it is about) and what the title of the chapter is.
These will need to be sent to me by October 7th in order to be entered (if there are any issues with this please send me a message!) :)
I'm very excited about seeing what you all have to write! It's going to be interesting seeing the different writing styles that you have! Feel free to message me with any questions or if you need any help.
Here are some things that you might want to think about:
Who are you writing about? Will you write it in first or third person? Where are they in the scene? Will there be other characters? Will there be speech? What is the setting like? What will the character be doing? What will the chapter be called?
The chapters will be judged on:
-How interesting it is
-How well written it is (be sure to check for spelling and grammar mistakes!)
-How well the characters/ settings are described
-The style/ tone of the writing (think about the phrase 'show, don't tell')
So, give it a go! Whether you have written a million stories before, or if this is your first time, you might as well try it out! I know how scary it can be sharing your work with other people, but we are all in the same boat!
Good luck to you all!
Before you go, check out my new story 'Evelyn'!
Much love,
TheLittleMissReader Xx
Lost Royalty
Historical FictionHer presence was once one that enamoured the masses. A beautiful young princess whose destiny seemed to be set in a life of royal balls and princes. But her abrupt absence filled the hearts of so many with anguish and sorrow. On her seventh birthday...