Mr Winters' bookstore was the only bookstore in town. It had opened 9 years ago when Mr Winters was new to the town, and it had every book you could hope for. But it was the most unvisited shop of all.
Mr Winters himself was a terribly unfriendly man. He rarely conversed with anyone else from the village, and when he did speak it was most often words of anger or irritation. He never gave a kind smile or a friendly nod.
This silence was much the same as his daughters'. Elle Winters was a very quiet girl who it seemed to everyone was just incredibly shy. She had very few friends, with none of them being her own age.
She was an incredibly beautiful girl, with dark brown hair that reached her waist, and large blue eyes.
She hadn't had an easy life, but she was always quick to look on the bright side and take things with a light heart. Not many people had as much patience as Elle.
"You'd better run off and complete your errands, girl. I will not accept excuses if you are late this time. If Mrs Ovens tries to talk to you, you'd better ignore her or you will not be allowed any supper tonight," Mr Winters said, his sharp voice cutting through the room like a knife.
"Yes, of course, Pa. I won't be late," Elle said in a quiet, shaky voice.
Elle's father had always scared her. But Elle looked up to him as being the most important man in her life. He may never have been kind, but she was sure that he had a good heart buried somewhere beneath the harsh words and mean phrases. And she was sure that deep inside he did love her, even if his actions proved otherwise.
She collected her satchel and the small bag of coins from the desk and wrapped her shawl tightly around her.
It was a cold day, but Elle didn't notice as she was just glad to be out of the stuffy bookshop. She wished that her Pa would let her clean up, but he refused to have it tidy and clean so he could limit their visitors. The dust was beginning to cause health issues for Elle, as she now had a permanent cough, but when she had approached her Pa she had just been slapped on the cheek for her 'lies'. He had told her to never speak of the condition again.
As Elle approached the market she put her head down further and wrapped her shawl even tighter. A group of teenagers, all looking to be her own age, glanced up at her as she passed, but Elle avoided all eye contact. She knew that they all thought she was weird for not talking to them.
They were such a tight group of friends, but she knew that she would be welcomed if she only had the courage to approach them. But that would be disobeying her father.
One of the boys from the centre of the group sent her a small smile. She quickly looked away and lowered her head to the ground even more.
She had longed to talk to them for so long, but she knew that it wasn't worth the punishment that she would be given by her Pa.
Just as she reached the market an older woman walked over to her with a kind smile. Mrs Ovens was a lovely lady who regularly stopped Elle to have a conversation. She had previously made Elle dresses, and after realising how poorly treated she was she did not charge Elle anything.
"How are you today, my dear?" she asked, smiling gently at Elle.
Not wanting to be rude, the young girl decided to disobey her father's orders and converse with her. It was unlikely that he would find out anyway.
"I'm well thank you, Mrs Ovens."
Mrs Ovens sent her a disapproving glance. She didn't believe for a minute that Elle was perfectly well. Her thin frame and pale skin gave away her poor health.
"You ought to pop down to my shop at some point. You are way overdue a new dress. I don't know how many repairs that one you are wearing will go through." She said, pointing to a large rip on the sleeve of Elle's dress.
"Thank you, ma'am. We are very busy at the bookstore at the moment, but when I have a chance I will be sure to take up your offer." Elle lied. She knew that she would not be able to do it, though. Her Pa would know that she had disobeyed orders if she had a new dress.
After exchanging goodbyes Elle rushed on to complete her errands.
After Elle collected the ingredients for supper she rushed home desperate to be allowed dinner. When she arrived she looked at the old clock in the corner of the store and realised that she was late. It was only a few minutes after she had said she would be home but she knew that it was enough to warrant a punishment. A feeling of dread reached her when she saw her father's face.
"You're late." He stated with an angry tone. His eyes were dark as he looked at her in disgust. "You shall cook my supper for me and then go to bed immediately."
Supper that night was enjoyed by just one person, and Elle's stomach growled with hunger as she sat on her bed. She was looking out through her window at the stars above, unable to sleep at this early hour.
Stars meant hope to Elle. One day- in 2 years' time when she turned 18- she would be free from her Pa. She would be able to leave her home and explore the kingdom. Her life would be one great adventure. And the stars reminded her of this. The stars never had to hide away. They could always shine brightly, just as she longed to do.

Lost Royalty
Narrativa StoricaHer presence was once one that enamoured the masses. A beautiful young princess whose destiny seemed to be set in a life of royal balls and princes. But her abrupt absence filled the hearts of so many with anguish and sorrow. On her seventh birthday...