New School, New Name, New Life

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A/N: ok guys.... I'm alive. My reads on this story are crazy. I literally freaked when I saw them. No one has commented on ideas for a new story so keep brain storming and you can P.M. Me instead if you don't feel comfortable saying who or what you want. So anyways on with the story.

Tobias POV

We wake Tris early and Christina drops some training clothes off. She literally looks like she can't function before 12. I take her to Zeke's and drop her off to go set up the training room. This will be a long day.

Tris POV

I am to tired for this. I was up late last night after the same dream that comes up from the depths of Hell just to take me under and damn me to an eternal night. I woke my self up at three o'clock and couldn't find sleep again. So I did the only thing I knew how to do. Find Caleb. I slipped on a jacket, grabbed my room key and my phone, and took off. I jogged to the Erudite building. If I was going to find anyone I knew to start here. I got inside and hacked a computer. I took the little chip out of my phone and plugged it in to the monitor and uploaded information to Caleb. I found he was just down the hall to my left. Out of curiosity, I searched my own name.

Under missions it had info for one upcoming in three days. I save the information and shut the computer down. I sprint to Caleb's room and open the door. He shoots up and pulls me to him. We lay down and finally get to sleep for the rest of the night.

A/n: sorry it is so short. It is extremely late. If you follow the rest of my books I will be updating everything on Monday! I'm traveling to Louisville Kentucky. If any of you are going to National Convention for FFA we should totally meet. I would love to get to know some of you! Message me your names if you are going and ONLY if you are going. Thank you guys so much for keeping up with me and understanding my horrible update times. Love you all

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