The Trash Can {my perspective}

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I was walking to school and arrived at class, I sat down beside my friends and decided to talk about how cool the lake was by my best friends house.
{let's call her ellyse}
Ellyse lived down near the end of her street and it had a steep hill leading down to a beach we called 'Pee Beach' because we thought it was funny, and it always smelt like pee almost all the time we explored down there.
I had to go pee. I NEVER went pee alone because the bathroom for the kindergartens was in the scary janitors closet. {they had renovations and now there's a proper kindergarten bathroom for the girls and boys}
My friend {calling her Meg} Meg also had to use the washroom. "Meg let's go together" I said childishly.
{Little did I know that would be a bad idea -.-}
Meg nodded and we asked the teacher.
She pranced in before me and there was a room detached from the janitors closet with a sign  saying 'girls washroom' and we walked in expecting there to be more than one stall because we usually used the older kids washroom which had like 16.
There was one fucking stall.
She went first and I thought I could hold it. I was wrong. She was taking forever and I needed to piss
"Meg please hurry up" I pleaded "okay Hayley sorry" I waited another 10 minutes.
She still didn't move her ass so I climbed up onto a trash can and pissed in the garbage can.
{ that was also a mistake}
I walked back to class without Meg because she probably had diharea or some crap. I shrugged it off.
"Hayley where's Meg and why were you taking so long" the teacher asked
"She is in the bathroom still she wouldn't let me use the toilet" I replied embarrassed and not wanting to say that I pissed in a garbage can.
"Then where did you pee?"
"I'll call your mom to get you a change of pants and I'll call the janitor in"
"N-no miss"
I was late she called the office and the office called my mom and my mom came with a change of pants, mrs. Marshall {that's okay I guess} pulled me into the hallway with my mom.
"Hayley why did you pee yourself?"
"I didn't!"
"Well then where did you pee?"
"T-the g-garbage can"
My mom was laughing but mrs Marshall didn't seem very happy about that.
"That's even worse" mrs Marshall said
"At least it wasn't on the floor" my mom said
"Well now the janitor has to take out a trash bag with pee in it" mrs Marshall said
"At least he doesn't have to mop the floor and the bag is sealed" my mom said once again
8 years later mrs Marshall is my music teacher.
Me and my friends all laugh about it now. I forgot who Meg was. So now I've been trying to find who Meg was, who I took to the bathroom that hogged the toilet to seek revenge >:3.
A/N: Enjoy! More coming soon

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