Chapter 5

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(POV) Katniss

I sit down on a small chair beside my telephone. I pick up the receiver and dial the number Greasy Sae scrawled on an old piece of paper for me. My hands are shaking terribly.

He answers after two rings.

(POV) Gale

"Hello?" I say into the receiver, wondering who could be calling me. No one calls me unless it's for work, and when they do, it's usually on my fancy new cellular.

"Gale?" The voice is soft on the other end. Soft and trembling. But I would know that voice anywhere.

"Katniss...?" I timidly say. I sit down on the sofa, afraid that if i stand I may faint. Can this really be her?

"Yes... Yes! It's me! Katniss. Gale, Gale, I've missed the sound of your voice so much." She says. My heart leaps out of my chest. She misses me! What could this mean?

"Katniss... Are you alright? Is something wrong?" My need to protect her comes to the surface and I don't even try to push it down.

"Oh Gale. I'm more than alright. I have something to tell you..." She says, a hint of anxiety in her voice. I hate hearing her like this. Like she doesn't quite know what's going on. My Katniss was strong. She always knew what to do.

"What do you want to tell me?" I ask softly. I don't want her to be frightened.

"Please come to Twelve, Gale. I want to tell you face to face." She asks quietly. "Of course, it's fine if you can't..."

"I'll be there tomorrow afternoon. See you soon." I tell her. I'll do anything for her, and she wants to see me.

"Bye Gale, thank you." She whispers from the other end of the line and hangs up. What could this possibly mean? I hope she's alright. Maybe she's changed her mind about me...? No. I can't get my hopes up. And anyways, I'll know by tomorrow afternoon.

I get up slowly from my sofa and get my old game bag. It still smells like the forest. The forest where Katniss and I used to hunt every day before the Games ruined our lives.

I start stuffing my clothes into the bag. I open one of my drawers and pull out an old dried up katniss root. I keep it in a small air tight glass case so that it doesn't turn to dust. It's the only thing I have that reminds me of her. It's become my good luck charm. Everywhere I go, I always have it in my pocket. I gently put it into my game bag along with a few other things I may need. I decide to leave my cellular at home. This trip is for Katniss, and Katniss only. I don't want to be getting any calls about work when I'm with her. I want her to see just how much she means to me.

After I've gone through my house one last time, I shut the door, lock it, and make my way to the train station. There's a small train that comes by every day at midnight to drop off any goods that the District needs. Luckily, they always have a small room for anyone wanting to travel between Districts. There is a bigger train that comes once a week and has more places that I could stay in, but I can't wait. I need to see her.

After waiting a couple hours, the train finally comes and workers start to unpack crates from the cargo section.

I board the train and make my way to the small room and the back. I open the door to find a simple room with a bed, a small chair and a small bathroom. I drop my game bag onto the chair and collapse onto the bed where I fall asleep almost immediately.

When I wake, it takes me a few minutes to figure out where I am. When I remember that I'm on the train to see Katniss, I jump up quickly and rush to the bathroom. I splash cold water on my face to help myself wake up.

"Reaching District Eleven" a cool female voice says. Oh good, I haven't missed my stop. I make my way out of the bathroom and remove my bag from the chair and sit down.

When the cool female voice tells me that we are reaching District Twelve, I begin to get nervous. I finally get to see the woman I love and I don't know what I'm going to say.

After a while, the train comes to a complete stop.

"Welcome to District Twelve" the cool female voice says. I slowly walk to the front of the train where the door is. When i step off, my eyes squint through the bright light. When my eyes finally adjust, the only thing I can see is Katniss. She's standing on the platform not far away from me. When she sees me step off, her eyes light up. She smiles at me and begins to run towards me, arms outstretched. I open my arms wide and she falls into them. I hug her tightly and take her in. She looks well. Her head is buried in my chest and I can feel her tears. I take her chin in my hand and tilt her head so she's looking at me. I use my thumb to wipe away her tears and she smiles a me. A real smile. And before I know it, she's standing on her tip-toes and pressing her lips to mine.

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