Chapter 14

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The next morning the girls meet the guys at the exit to the Crystal forest after they all eat breakfast.
"Did you girls sleep well? " John asks them he looks at Ariana and sees that she looks kinda tired.
"Yes thanks for asking." Lilac replies to his question. She looks over at Ariana and sees that she looks tired, she figures that she must have had trouble getting back to sleep, after waking up in the middle of the night with the nightmare about the day her parents died.
Did you guys have a good sleep?"
"Yes." The guys say.
The Viera guard opens the barrier so the can leave the villiage. They walk for about a hour when they see the exit to the forest in front of them. After they are out of the forest they see a traveling merchant.
"Oh customers I don't see to many travelers in this area since this area isn't traveled very often because, of people not being able to go through the Viera forest without their permission." They take a look at what the merchant is selling John buys some Teleport Crystals.
" These will come in handy when we want to go back to places that we have previously visited." John tells them as he pays the man.
"Thank you." The merchant says as he takes the money that John hands him. They continue on there way while they are walking Lilac remembers that Queen Cure's birthday is in a couple of days. The palace always throws a big party. Poor and rich are welcome to come.
" I just remembered that the Queens birthday is coming up we have to go it is always so much fun." Lilac says with a look of excitement on her face.
" Sounds like fun." Ariana says.
They all agree to go John uses one of the Teleport Crystals he just bought to teleport back to the Tonberry Kingdom. The town has decorations up all over the place there is a banner up welcoming everyone to come to the Queens birthday party in three days. Lilac, Ariana and Rebecca go to a dressshop.
" This dress would look good on you Rebecca." Lilac says as she hands her a Red dress.
"Oh that dress is pretty." She goes to try it on.
"That dress looks so good on you." Ariana tells her Rebecca goes back in the changing room she comes back out and pays for the dress. Lilac picks out a Purple dress.
" That dress goes really good well with your hair color Lilac." Ariana says.
Ariana picks out a white dress. They go to another shop and buy some matching shoes. After they are shopping Lilac invites them to come to her house for dinner they follow her to her house. Lilac cooks meatloaf,mashed potatoes and corn. When they are done eating Ariana and Rebecca get up to leave.
"Why don't you stay with me until the Queens birthday it will be like I have sisters." Lilac suggests.
" Sounds like fun." Rebecca says.
"Yeah it beats having to stay at a Inn." Ariana says. They stay up talking for a while before they go to sleep. The next morning the girls go there separate ways Lilac goes to her mom's house so she can let her know she is back home.
" Mom I've come back for the Queens birthday."
"Oh Lilac its good to be back I have a surprise for you." She says as she gives her a hug.
" A surprise what is it mom?" She asks as she finishes hugging her mom.
" Is that my baby girl?" A handsome man with short Brown hair asks he is wearing a white shirt with Blue pants.
"Dad your back!" Lilac rushes to give him a big hug.
Charles Stewart hugs his daughter tight it has been a while since he has been home. He missed his wife and daughter alot in the eight years he has been away.
" You've grown so much since the last time I saw you Lilac you look just like your mother." He tells Lilac as he looks at her.
"When did you get back dad? "
" Two days ago your mother told me about you going off on a journey to find the thief that stoled the Queens jewels."
They catch up on all the things that have been going on while he has been gone.
"Where is the young man that saved you? "
Lilac looks out the window and sees Zane walk by she goes to the door.
" Zane come meet my dad he would like to thank you for saving my life."
" So your the brave young man that saved my little girl."
" Daddy I'm not a little girl anymore."
"Nonsense you'll always be my little girl."
"Yes Mr. Stewart I'm the man that saved your daughter." They shake hands.
" Call me Charles."
" How long are you going to be home for dad? "
" The king has decided to have me comeback so I can fight the monsters that have gotten closer to the kingdom lately."
" So you'll be home all the time now. I've missed you so much dad. " This is really good news since she has missed her dad alot. Lucky rubs against their legs as he senses the excitement the all have at Charles being back home for good.
" So I hear it is the Queens birthday in a couple of days." Charles says.
" Yes that is why I'm home it is going to be so much fun." Lilac says.
" If you'll have me I would like to take you." Zane says to Lilac.
" I would be happy to attend the party with you Zane." She says with a blush.
Rita tells them that lunch is done they all go to the table and eat. After they are done eating Lilac decides to go visit her friend Ruby.
She goes over Ruby's house and knocks on the door a couple of minutes later Ruby answers the door.
"Lilac your back! " she exclaims in happiness.
" I just got back last night I didn't want to miss the Queens birthday." They hug each other.
" How have you been doing Ruby? I bet you've been busy getting ready for the Queens birthday."
" Yep me and the others have been working on the food for the party."
They talk for a while Lilac decides that she better go home since it is getting late.
" Bye Ruby it was nice chatting with you have a good night."
" Bye Lilac."
Lilac waves goodbye as she leaves and goes back to her own house. The next couple of days fly by before they know it is is the day of the Queens birthday.

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