Chapter 16

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The next morning while Lilac and her friends are walking around the town they overhear a man talking to a woman about Leviathan destroying any ship that enter the waters it has taken as its territory.
" That Leviathan is a menace it attacks anyone that sails to close I hope someone stops it soon." The man says to the woman he is talking to.
"Yeah it took out most of the ships that sailed to close last week." The woman says.
" Maybe you can somehow talk to it and ask it to stop attacking sailors Lilac so they don't have to be afraid everytime they go on mission by sea." John suggests to her.
" I don't know since I'm still new at being a Summoner but I can give it a try." Lilac says.
We need a ship do you think that the King and Queen will lend us one since they are the fastest?" Lilac asks.
Just then they see Prince Barry walking by them.
" Since your his cousin do you think Prince Barry can get us have passage on one of the royal ships?" Ariana asks.
"I'll go ask him." Zane says.
Zane hurries to catch up to Prince Barry they talk for a couple of minutes. Zane walks back over to where they are standing.
"He says since we are family it shouldn't be a problem but he still decided to ask his parents while we wait why don't you go take Lucky over to your parents house since I'm sure he wouldn't like it at sea and also because, its going to be to dangerous to take him with us Lilac." Zane tells her. She agree with Zane she heads over to her parents house.
" Mom and Dad I'm going to see if I can stop Leviathan from wrecking ships. Can you watch Lucky for me while I'm gone?"
" Your going to go and see if you can stop Leviathan what are you thinking he'll kill you!" Rita says with a terrified look on her face.
" Now Rita we have to let her try." Charles says.
Rita reluctantly agrees with him. Lilac goes and gets Lucky's food from her house.
" Be safe we love you Lilac." Charles says.
" Now be a good boy while I'm gone Lucky." She hugs him.
She promises her parents that she'll return safe and sound. She finds Zane waiting outside for her they go to the docks where the rest of there group is already at they see Prince Barry waiting for them.
" My parents said yes they gave me this letter give it to a Captain Weaver his ship is named Destiny's Bounty." He hands the letter from his parents to Zane they all say  goodbye. They look around at all the ships until they see one called Destiny's Bounty they walk over to a man ordering people around. He is wearing the royal colors so they figure he is the captain. They walk over to him.
" Hello my name is Zane are you the captain of this ship?"
"Yes my name is Captain James Weaver. What can I do for you young man?" I have this letter from Prince Barry
Me and my friends would like to book passage on your ship we have a woman with us that we think can stop Leviathan from wrecking anymore ships." Zane tells him.
He takes the letter and reads it.
" Talk to Leviathan you say young man." He laughs at how crazy that sounds.
" I'd like to try sir I'm new at being a Summoner but I think I can do it." Lilac says.
The captain thinks it over for a couple of minutes.
"Oh what can it hurt I'll probably regret this but,  welcome aboard." He says to them all.
"Thank you I won't let you down." Lilac says.
The captain is a man in his forties he is handsome he has Light Brown hair with grey streaks in it he's wearing a captain's jacket with lots of buttons down the front of it he has on Black pants.
" Captain James Weaver is my name pleased to meet you I'll have some of my men take your bags to your cabins. They follow a couple of sailors to where they'll be staying.
" Dinner is at 7:00 enjoy your stay miss." One of the men says to Lilac as he puts her bags down and shuts the door after him. Lilac looks around her room it is bigger then she thought it would be. Then she remembers that it is one of the royal fleet ships they usually are big. She hears a knock at her door she goes to the door and answers it. She sees a young woman that looks to be 18 standing in front of her door. She is wearing a Blue Dress she is pretty woman with long Brown hair in a ponytail.
" Hi I'm Emily Weaver my dad told me you and your friends were hear to try to stop Leviathan." She says to Lilac.
" It's nice to meet you my name is Lilac Stewart and yes I hope to be able to stop Leviathan."
" So that means your a Summoner doesn't it?" Emily asks.
"Yes I've only been a Summoner for a little while though." Lilac tells her.
Lilac invites her in where they talk until its time for dinner. While they are leaving her cabin they see everyone else.
" These are my friends Ariana ,Rebecca ,Zane ,John and Brandon guys this is Emily she is Captain Weavers daughter." They all say hi to her.
" You'll be having dinner with me and my father." Emily leads them to the captain's private dinning room. It is a big room with a chandelier.
" I see that you've meet our special guests already daughter." The captain says.
They sit down at the long table servants finish putting food on the table they are having Roast Chicken, Ham, Boiled Potatoes, Green Beans and for dessert Strawberry Cheesecake. Servants hand each of them a plate of the delicious smelling food. They dig into the food while they eat they talk about all kinds of things.
" Is it just you and your daughter Captain Weaver?" Zane asks.
" Yes my wife died in childbirth Emily is all I have." He answers with a pained expression on his face.
" I'm sorry to hear that." Zane says.
They finish the rest of their food in silence. The servants hand out plates of Cheesecake.
"No thanks I couldn't eat another thing I'm full I think I'll go take a walk." Lilac says.
" I'll go with you Lilac." Zane says.
They walk around the deck Lilac shivers a little as she stops and looks up at the stars. Zane puts his arm around her she leans her head against him.
" The stars are so beautiful don't you think Zane?"
"Not half as beautiful as you Lilac I wanted to apologize for taking the liberties that I did with you at the Queens Birthday out in the gardens since I know you are still innocent to the ways of men. I shouldn't have done that."
" There's nothing to apologize for I enjoyed it Zane." Lilac says with a blushes that she is glad he can't see in the darkness.
She leans over and kisses him they stand like that and kiss for a while then they reluctantly move away from each other. He walks her back to her door they say goodbye to each other. He walks down the hall to his room. Lilac goes into her room and puts on her nightgown and gets into bed she closes her eyes she has a happy smile on her face.

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