The heartbreaking moment

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Chapter 2

I looked at my phone and questioned myself. He replied "Will you bring me to Magcon?"

I answered back "yes. The next event is this weekend. But only if Bart lets you"

I called Bart and he said "yes anytime, but as long as you know that he is good enough to bring around"

I texted Jacob right away and told him the great news. I cant wait to see him already, even though its been a couple of hours. We said goodnight and that we loved each other and i went off to bed.


The next day:

Today was the day to leave for Magcon. I packed all of my stuff and then texted Jacob about it. I told him to hurry and get ready quick because it was time to leave in a hour, and he would have to get a ticket. Luckily, there was one left and he bought it. I put all of my stuff in my car and left to go get Jacob. When i got there, we hugged and i helped put load his stuff in the car, and we were off to the airport.

Within one hour, we had arrived to the LA airport. I left my car there, and we went inside with our luggage. We found our plane number. After a while, they called the number. We showed them the tickets and boarded the plane.

On the plane we talked about everything that there was. We laughed together, and that was the cutest thing ever. We were having so much fun, before we knew it, we had arrived in Florida.

We got a rental car and arrived at the building. I saw all of the boys there and it was really nice to see them. We all hugged and they met Jacob.

I went to the bathroom and told Jacob to meet them and talk to them. When i got back you will never believe what I saw................

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