The Bar

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Lui's POV 
I was walking home from late-night shift at the bar. I was flipping my house keys through my hands. I hear a loud crash. It sounded like glass shattering. I stop in my steps and run towards the noise. That was my first mistake. I run faster and faster. I hear screaming nearby. I keep running. The screams sounded familiar but I paid it no mind. I keep running and running. I hear the screams getting closer and closer. I turn a corner into an alley. That was my second mistake. I run and run. I see a dark figure in the distance. I yelled to the figure. That was my third mistake. I run to them. As I get closer I see red everywhere. I see a trail of red leading into the dumpster. I slowly walk towards it. That was the fourth mistake. I see something large inside. It looks about the size of an average female. That was because it was. I begin to back away. I pull up the hood of my jacket. A voice that is now burned into my brain came from the figure. "Where do you think you're going? You're not going anywhere." I see the dark figure pull out something that looked like a knife. "I want to know your name before I kill you . What is it?" I had to lie. I use my squeaker voice. "My name is Sean. What's yours?" The figure laughs that maniac laugh that keeps me awake at night. "My name? Why would I tell you? I am the man who runs these streets. The man who rules this town. I am the one who controls life or death. My name will always be a mystery. Noone will ever find me. They'll never find your body either." He looks towards the dumpster. "She cheated on me. Her name was Kelly. Poor beautiful Kelly. She would be alive if she would've just stayed loyal. But guess what, she didn't she cheated on me with some cock named Evan. He's going to suffer. I will be sure of it." I back away slowly. "My name is Delirious. Properly known as Jonathan. I guess I can tell you because you're going to die soon." He charges at me with the knife. I jump on top of a nearby dumpster. I climbed onto the roof of the building. I hadn't been up there for years. It felt good to be back to my old tricks. I knew every inch of the roofs of this city. I jump from roof to roof. I look behind me. I didn't see Jonathan anywhere. I run to the roof of my apartment complex. I go through the door and three flights of stairs. I get my keys out of my pocket. I go to my door and unlock it. I close and lock the door. I check the time. It was almost midnight. I've been running with Delirious for almost three hours. I walk to my bedroom. I look out the window. I can see the alley from here. I felt a pain in my heart. I knew Kelly. She was Tyler's sister. He'll be so upset. I teared up just thinking of it. I sat up against the wall. I sobbed into my arms. I was too overwelmed. Tyler, Jonathan, Kelly. Why couldn't it have been me? It should've been me. Poor Kelly. Poor Tyler. He's lost too much. Kelly was all he had left. His parents died when he was 15. Kelly was only 9. Tyler is now 24. He works at Kohl's. He worked there so he could have enough money for Kelly. Tyler hardly ever ate anything. He only cared about Kelly. I had to tell David. Damnit! David is sleeping by now. I was having a mental breakdown. I sobbed into my arms. I look down at my feet. I grab my phone. I text Tyler. (T=Tyler L=Lui)
L- Tyler I'm sorry. Something happened earlier tonight that you're not going to like at all. I'm so sorry. I really am. If you ever need to talk I'm here.
~Time Skip~
T- What?! What the fuck happened Lui?!
L- Watch the news. I'm so sorry. I was too late. I could've done something but I wasn't fast enough. I'm sorry.
T- Lui. You're scaring me. What the fuck happened?!
L- I can't bring myself to say it. I'm sorry. I feel like it's my fault. I'm so sorry.
T- Lui. Whatever happened, it wasn't your fault. I'm sure everything will be fine.
L- No it won't!! You don't understand! I'm so sorry. I could've done something but I wasn't fast enough. I'm sorry Tyler.
~Time Skip~
T- I can't believe she's gone. She was my world. She was my everything. I don't know what I'll do without her.
L- I am so sorry Tyler. I really am. If you ever need someone to talk to or somewhere to stay, I'm here. No matter what.

Tyler didn't answer. I was worried about him. It was now 7am. I haven't slept for a second. I didn't eat or drink either. I just sat in my bedroom feeling miserable. After a few hours I hear a knock at my door. I get up from my bed. I open the door to be met with a miserable looking Tyler. He gives me a huge hug, tears running down his face. "I don't know what I'll do without her. I have to stay here for a while to stay away from those memories. My parents, Kelly, everything." I hug him tighter. "You've lost too much. I'm so sorry. You can stay here as long as you need." He pulls away and wipes his eyes. He faintly smiles at me. He picks up his bag from outside the door and walks in. I lead him to the guest bedroom. He puts his bag on the bed and sits down. I sit next to him. "I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat? I haven't had anything to eat in days." I helped him up. We walked to the kitchen. I made him a turkey and tomato sandwhich. He sat at the table and ate it quickly. For someone who hardly eats, he sure was muscular. I sat next to him with a bowl of cheerios. He smiled at me. Now that he's eaten he felt a little better. "You want anything to drink?" He nodded at me. "Do you have any OJ?" I nod and walk to my fridge. I got the carton of orange juice and poured a glass for him. I sat it next to him. He sipped at it slowly. He finished his juice. "That was refreshing. I needed it." I just stared at him. I've had a small crush on Tyler for a long time. Now he was living with me. I blush slightly at the thought. Tyler waved a hand in my face. I shook my head and went back to eating my cheerios. He stands up from the table. He walked to the bathroom. I sat there with my head in my hands. I mumble quietly to myself. "You can't love him. He's going though a lot. You've got to stop. Lui NO! Stop this madness! He is your friend, not your lover." I look up and take a deep breath. "Hey Tyler! Do you have to go to work today?" "No. I'm taking this week off. Why?" "I just wanted to see if you would like to help me at the bar." "That sounds like a good idea to me. I'll be out in a minute and we can get going." I got up from the table and went toy bedroom. I began getting dressed. I heard the bathroom door opening. "Lui! Where'd you go?" "I'm in my room. I'll be out in a minute." I just had a shirt and underwear on. Tyler didn't know I was getting dressed so he opened the door. I scrambled to cover myself. "Sorry! I'm sorry I'll leave!" He yelled as he ran out the door. I blushed a bright red. I looked down at myself. I saw something I didn't expect. There was a bulge. I hurry and put my pants on. I look down and the bulge was almost unnoticeable. I put my hand down there. It was still there but noone could tell. I grab my keys and walked out of my bedroom. "You ready to go Ty?" "Yeah, let's go." I open the door and let Tyler go first. I looked at his ass on his way. He was two years younger than me, but he was still way taller. I closed and locked the door behind us. I began walking towards the bar. I got an idea. "Hey Ty, wanna go the fun way?" He looked at me with confusion on his face. I grab his arm and jup on top of a dumpster. Tyler follows. I climb up to the roof of the small cafe. I pull Tyler up with me. I begin running across the rooftop. I jump to another building. Tyler looks at me with a bit of fear. "Come on Tyler! It's not too far." He ran and jumped. He made it. I wanted to add something cool so I decide to do a back flip to the next building. Tyler just jumps it. "We're almost there! Just a little farther." He nods and keeps running with me. I jump to the bar's roof, with Tyler close behind. I jump down to the dumpster in the back, Tyler follows. I go in the back door, like we're supposed to in the morning. I walk in, my boss was the only one there. We got there 10 minutes early. "Good morning Michelle!" I tell him. "Good morning Lui!" She said with her thick  british accent. "This is my good friend Tyler. He'll be helping me today!" "Nice to meet you!" Tyler waves shyly. I grab his arm and pull him to the bar. "Ok Tyler, you'll be on beer duty. I'll make the complex drinks." Tyler nods at me. I smile at him. I remember something I need before the day starts. I went to the back and grabbed my red tie. I grabbed a teal one for Tyler. This was for the people at the bar. They would identify us as the color of our ties. I always wore the red one. The other colors would be passed around from person to person. My favorite color was red and Tyler's was teal. I brought the tie back to Tyler. "Put it on. It's how the people will adress us. You will be teal today." He smiles at me and takes the tie. He puts it on. We hear the door open. It was Michelle ' wife. "Hey Krism! How are you this morning?" "I'm fine. How are you?" "I'm doing ok. This is Tyler." She waved at Tyler on her way to her wife. Tyler was struggling with tying the tie. I help him tie it. I felt so close to him. I wanted more, but I couldn't have it. I shake my head and tie his tie. I back away from him. I smile. I look at the time. "Five minutes til' we open. What do ya wanna do til' then?" Tyler looks down and scratches the back of his neck. "I've got something to tell you....but I don't know if I can." He looks nervous and anxious. I grab his hands and look him in the eyes. "Tyler. You can tell me anything. I'm here. I'm always here for you. No matter what." He smiles down at me. "I know. I'm just not ready yet. When I am, I'll tell you." I smile up at him. "Tell me whenever you're ready." I let go of his hands. I check the time once again. About two minutes. I get the keys to the doors from the drawer. I walk to the front door and unlock the doors. I flipped the sign. I walk back towards Tyler. "And now we wait." I leaned against the bar while I waited. The first 'customer' came in. He was wearing a white t-shirt and a light blue jacket. "Give me a Scotch on the rocks." That voice. That's his voice. That's the guy who killed Kelly. He is Jonathan. This is mysterious Delirious. I told him my name was Sean last night. He couldn't see my face. Just pretend you don't know him. I told myself in my head. I get a glass and pour his drink. I lean on the bar in front of him. "You look tired. Wanna play a game?" I say with a plain look. He rolls his eyes. "Sure. Why the fuck not." I pull out my wallet. I take out a hundred. "It's a bet. $100 dollars each, winner takes all." He takes out a hundred and lays it next to mine. "We have to guess each other's names. You ready?" He smirks at me. He doesn't know me. I know him. He nods at me. I stand up and walk around the bar. He stands up. We examine each other. I go back behind the bar. "Of all the people I've seen you've been the most difficult to figure out. Those piercings don't help me either. You seem mysterious." I emphasized the word. He smirks at me and takes another drink of his Scotch. "Was I now?" He says and chuckles at me. His voice made my skin crawl.  "On three. 1-2-3!" "Jonathan." "Damien" I shake my head. "Damn it! You got it." He said with defeat. I took the money and smirked at him. "Enjoy your drink good sir." I walked to the back where Michelle's office was. I handed her one of the bills. She looked at me with surprise. "What is this for? You need your money. It's not mine." "It's not mine. Just take it. I won a bet and got another hundred dollars." She slowly took the money. "Thanks Lui. I'll buy something for Krism." I smile at her and walk back to the bar. Tyler was pouring a beer for the murderer who was sitting there. I was angry but kept it inside. I wanted to kick his ass right then and there. I clenched my fist but smiled. I walked back to the bar. "You want to start a tab or are ya going to pay now?" I ask him, leaning over the bar again. "I'll start a tab. Jonathan Dennis. That's my name." I got a notepad and wrote the money he now owed. I added another ten bucks to the cost just for fun. Jonathan Dennis. That's the name that started it all. I laid the notepad down. I look over at Tyler. He was just standing there, staring off into space. I walked up to him and I punched him lightly on the shoulder. He looked at me and smiled. "Give me five shots of vodka and two shots of whiskey." Tyler got the glasses and I poured the shots. I gave the shots to him. I smirked to myself. He was going to get wasted. I could teach him a lesson about messing with my friends. I made a whole plan in my head. I would make him suffer. I wouldn't kill him, I'd just make him live with the scars. Live with the pain. With the memories. I'd follow him and make him suffer with his own knives. I'd leave him there, all alone. I watch him take each and every shot. "Hey Jonathan, wanna make another bet?" He took his last shot and nodded. I took out a one hundred dollar bill. I laid it on the counter. He pulled one out of his pocket and put it next to mine. "Whoever drinks five shots of tequila first wins. Winner takes all." He nodded at me and smiled in a drunken way. I smirk at him. I pour five shots of tequila for him and five of water for me. I put the tequila in front of him and the water in front of me. "Ready, set, go!" I drank all of my water in a few seconds. He got to his third. He finished his drinks as I took the money. I'd make him suffer and take all his money. I hand one of the bills to Tyler. "Here's your money for helping today." He takes it with a smile. I give him a pat on the back. "This cock is easy money Ty! We can get thousands from 'em!" Tyler wrapped his arm around my shoulders and smiled wide. "We'll milk 'em dry!" I laugh louder than expected. Jonathan didn't know what was going on but laughed anyway. I winced at the sound. I check the time. We've been open for about an hour. It was now about two. We heard the door open. A few buff guys with motorcycle jackets came in. "Hey Mark, Felix, and Jack! How you guys been?" They used to go to the bar all the time but stopped coming for a while. I smiled at the bikers. Mark died his hair back to black. Jack was still rocking his neon green and Felix's hair was still bleach blonde. Felix was growing out his beard. I walked around the bar to greet the men. I grabbed Mark's hand and patted his back. "Hey man! How's Amy?" "She's doing great! Thanks man." I gave Felix a huge hug. "Hey Felix! I haven't seen you in forever!" He smiles at me. "Yeah. Great to see ya!" Finally was Jack. We did our special hand shake. "How's Signe? Is she doin ok?" He frowned at me. "We actually broke up not too long ago. That's why I'm here." I gave him a pat on the back. "I'm sorry man." He gave me a sad smile and sat down at the bar. The other guys followed. I leaned on the bar in front of them. "What do ya guys want?" They think for a second. "Give me a good ol' Jack Daniels." Jack said with a smile. I get a glass and poured him some classic whiskey. I slid it over to him. "Marki-moo?" "Uh...give me a Bud light." I passed Tyler a glass to put the beer into.  I glanced over at Jonathan. He was sitting there just staring into space. I smirked to myself. "What about you Kjellberg? What ya thirsting for?" "Give me two double shots of vodka." I got two double shot glasses and poured some vodka. I slid them over to him. I moved over towards Jonathan. "Want any thing else?" He nods. "I want a martini. Make it quick." I smirked and got the shaker. I made the martini and gave it to him. He sipped at it. "Who's this prick?" Jack asked me. "His ne is Jonathan. Watch this." "Hey Mr.Dennis. Want to do another bet?" He nodded in a drunk looking way. I pulled out the same hundred. He pulled out another. He sat his next to mine. I pulled out a deck of cards. "If I figure out the card you picked, I win." He nodded. I fanned out the cards. He picked one. He put it back in the deck. I marked the place with my finger. I pretended to shuffle the cards. I placed the card on the top of the deck. I flipped the card over. "Is this your card?" He nodded with shock. I took the money. "See guys! He's easy money!" They chuckled at me. He sipped at his martini. I checked the time. It was now 4. Time was flying. A few more guys came in a bit later. They ordered a few drinks and went on their way. I poured myself a bit of whiskey. I sipped at it as I talked to the boys. I looked over and saw Jonathan with a happy, goofy expression on his drunken face. "There's a party in my pants and you're invited, sweet cheeks." I blush at his words. I had to pretend I wasn't gay. I tried to look disgusted, or offended at the least. He smirked at me. "Sir. I'm not interested. Please keep those comments to a minimum." I said, trying to stay calm. I knew who he was, but I still kinda wanted him. He was so muscular. So handsome. Almost as good as Tyler. His piercings, oh god his piercings. I wanted it. I looked away and took a deep, angry looking breath. I went back over to the boys. I felt something, or someone touch my groin. It was Jonathan. He had one hand on my groin and the other on his. "Come on. You know you want me. Let me fuck your tight little ass. Just this one time. It'll be fun." He whispered in my ear. I looked at the guys. I mouthed the words help me to them. They just sat there and watched. "Tyler! Help me you bitch!" Tyler smirked at me and grabbed Jonathan by the shoulders. He pulled him off of me. I relaxed a bit and leaned on the bar. "What the fuck was that for?! You guys are the toughest guys in town and you couldn't even try to help me?!" I was angry, but also slightly aroused. He touched me. I liked it. I rolled my eyes at them. I looked over and saw Tyler holding Jonathan down on a chair by his shoulders. I walked over to them. I overheard Tyler telling him to stay away from me. "Hey Tyler. I'll take care of him for a minute. Go talk to the guys ok. I got this." He let go of his shoulders. I sat across from him. Tyler walked over to the bar. I smiled at him. "Hello Mr.Dennis. I've noticed you take an interest in me. If that happens again, I'm afraid I'll have to walk you home. Do you understand?" He just stared at me blankly. I waved a hand in his face. I rolled my eyes. "Hey Jonathan~ If you touch me like that again I'll go back to your house with you. Sound good?" He nodded violently. I stood up from the table. He followed close behind. I was not a virgin. I've been fucked before. I've also fucked before. I knew what I was doing. I've also been told that I have a pretty good set of lips for sucking. I gave him a nice treat before I made him suffer. I walked back behind the bar. I put one hand on Tyler's shoulder.  He looked down at me. I smiled at him. I looked over to where Jonathan was sitting. He wasn't there. I didn't pay attention to it. I felt something hard on my rear. It felt like a stick. I turn my head and see Jonathan leaning his obviously hard cock into me. He put his hands on my waist. He begins grinding into me. I blush. He was so big! I knew I was going to enjoy myself later. Tyler pulled him off of me. I stood up straight. I grab Jonathan's arm. "Michelle! I'm taking this prick home. I'll be back soon." I yelled to her. I heard a faint response. "Ok Lui! See you when you get back." I pulled him outside. I quickly pulled him around the corner. "Where do you live big boy?~" I asked, trying to sound seductive. He smiles at me. He grabs my hand. He starts running, letting me see his bouncy booty. I ran ahead of him. "Hurry up slowpoke!" He tries to catch up with me. He slows down. I slow down next to him. "How close are we?" "We're almost there. You excited to get fucked?" I licked my lip. He smirks at me. I began running just a little ahead of him. He stopped in front of a large, fancy looking house. I looked at it in awe. He opened the door. I walked in close behind him. "Woah! This just makes me want you more." He smirked at me. He grabbed my hand and took me to a large room. There was a large bed in the center. There was a small kitchen in the corner. My eyes flashed to the knives. No. I need to use one of his. He pulls me towards the bed. He took off his light blue jacket first. I took off my red tie first. I took off my jacket. I took off my under shirt and shoes. I took off my socks and pants. I saw Jonathan already in bed, a pillow covering the important parts. I blushed at the sight. "My underwear is still on. You might wanna sit down before I show you my cock." I quickly sat down at the end of the drunken man's bed. He slowly removed the pillow. He was fully erect. My jaw dropped at the size of it. I bit my lip teasingly. I got on all fours. I crawled towards him. I gently place my self on his groin. I sat up straight. I put my hands on his chest. I began lightly rotating on him. I loved teasing him. I could tell he wanted more. I leaned down towards his face. "Ah fuck! Mmmmmm. I want your hard cock deep inside me~" He stared lustfully into my eyes. I began to have doubts of killing him. Maybe I should keep him as a fuckbuddy. I was thinking hard about it. I felt two large hands on my ass. I looked into his frosty blue eyes. I leaned my face closer and closer to his. Our lips were less than a millimeter apart. He moved his head closer to mine, making them connect. We kissed roughly. I licked his bottom lip, asking for permission. He denied me. I reach my hand over to his nipple and pinch. He moaned as I slid my tongue into his mouth. We kiss for about a minute before separating for air. I slide my smaller body down towards the good stuff. I grinded my hips against his. I bit my lip and moaned. "You want me?" "Fuck yeah." "I know your secret." "Hmmm? Which one?" "You killed that girl. You killed Kelly. I saw you. I heard you admit it." He sat up suddenly. "How did you know that?!" "I am "Sean". I was the one who got away. And now, I know your name Delirious, or should I say Jonathan." He pushes me off of him and stands up. I walk over to his pants and take one of his knives. "I'll kill with you. Just don't hurt anyone in my circle of friends. Kelly was very important to me. You have to pay. You'll be alive, but you'll have to live with the scars." I told him. I charge at him with the knife and pin him on the bed, face down. I write my name in big letters on his skin. Under it I wrote, "For Kelly." I get up and leave him in pain. I throw my pants and shirt back on. Finally my socks and shoes. I throw my jacket over my shoulder. I put the knife in my pocket and head back to the bar. That, was 10 years ago. Now I'm married to Tyler. We're both killers. We have a son named Max. He's 7. He has glasses and the cutest freckles ever.  We keep Max safe at all costs.  I'm known as Papa and Tyler is Dad. We still work at the bar.  Michelle supports us in every thing we do.  Max calls then Aunt Minx and Aunt Krism.  It's adorable. We live a happy life doing what we love.
-The very happy monkey, Lui

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