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You have been warned.

Tyler, Jonathan, Evan

Evan's POV

I walk through the apartment looking for either Tyler or Jonathan. I just got home from work and they aren't here? This is weird. "Jon? Tyler? You guys here?" Nothing. I get out my phone and call Tyler. No answer. I call Jonathan. It rings and rings but he finally picks up. "Hey...Where are you?" His voice isn't normal. It's a little shaky and it's too airy. "I'm at home. Where the fuck are you?!" "I...I don't know, to be honest." "Oh god. You didn't...Not again...Please tell me you didn't." "Sorry...I'm sorry Ev." "Goddamnit. Look around and tell me what you see." "Uh...I big building with a sign on it." "What's on the sign?" "Tits. It says something too but I can't read it." "Tits...Stay there. I'll be there to pick you up in a few minutes. Stay on the phone 'til I get there ok?" "Alright. Calm down, Ev." I roll my eyes and get my keys. I rush to my car and start the engine. "You still here Jon?" "Yep. Everything is fuzzy and blurry. I'm gettin' dizzy." "Deep breaths. Focus on my voice. You'll be ok. Just listen to me." I can hear his breathing as I drive toward the strip club. "Ev? Help...Please..." He sounds like he's gonna cry. "What's wrong? Talk to me!" "The blood. I'm dizzy. Please hurry." "I'm almost there just hold on." I feel tears in my eyes as I drive faster. I get there and see Jonathan sitting on the sidewalk staring at his arms with his phone in hand. I get out of the car and run up to him. I cup his face in my hands and stare into his eyes. They're dull and tired. I look down at his arms that are now covered in blood. I help him up and into the car. I put napkins on his arms to at least slow the bleeding. I drive quickly back home. We get there and I park. I help him upstairs. I take his clothes off and get him into the bath. I turn on the water and let it cover him. "What were you thinking?!" He just stares blankly up at me. "I don't know. It was there and I couldn't resist. I'm sorry." "It's ok. I'll take care of you." I try to stay calm as I clean his arms. My head starts running wild and I can't focus. I feel the tears in my eyes but I try to ignore them. "Ev...Please don't cry." I let the tears fall down my cheeks. The water is turning bright red now. I lay my head down on the edge of the bath. "Where the fuck is Tyler?" "At the place where I was. He was drunk as fuck." I smack my head against the bath and look back at Jon. "I'll take care of you, I promise. Even without Tyler's help this time."  I put some water in my hands and splash his face a little. I wipe away all evidence of his problem. I cup his face in my hands and stare into his dazed eyes. I feel the tears fall off of my face again. I wipe my face with the back of my hands. I get up and get some bandages and paper towels. I have him lay his arms down on the edge while I dry them off. I get as much of the blood off as I can and wrap them up in bandages. I help him stand up and I dry him off. I put fresh clothes on him and kiss his forehead. "Ok, listen to me. Do as I say. You have to stay here. Stay in bed. I'll be back soon, I need to go get Tyler. You'll be fine." He nods at me and lays down on the bed. I cover him with the blankets and tuck him in. "I love you." I kiss his forehead and hurry back out to my car. It's getting dark so I need to hurry before he runs off with some slut. I get back to the club and park in the back. I make my way through the club. Half-naked women and drunk men everywhere. I roll my eyes and make my way to the bar. Tyler is drunk out of his mind at the end talking to some bitch with barely any clothes on. I put my hand on his shoulder and turn his head toward me. I smile at him and he just stares at me with an embarrassed expression. "Hey, Ev...What are you doing here?" The girl touches his thigh and caresses his chest. "Excuse me, sir. He's mine. I was here first." She waves her hand and shoos me away. I pull Tyler up off of the stool and glare at the woman. "Actually, he's my boyfriend. I'll be taking him home now if you don't mind." I pull him with me toward the door. Shee starts pulling him back. "I don't believe you. You're probably a coworker or some shit." I raise my eyebrow at him and pull Tyler into a deep kiss. He holds me tight and I run my fingers through his hair. I pull away from him and smirk at the woman. "Now if you don't mind, we'll be leaving now." "Bye, Sammy." Tyler waves goodbye to her as I drag him out to the car. I make him get into the passenger's side as I start driving. "So, want to explain that?" "Uh...I wasn't planning on doing anything I swear!" "Uh huh. Sure. You know where Jonathan is?" "Uh, no." "He's at home, high on molly with bandages wrapped around his arms. That's where." "Oh fuck." He sits in silence the rest of the way home. We get there and he stumbles his way to the apartment. I open the door for him and he looks around for Jon. I take him to the bedroom and Jonathan is just sitting there, staring at a wall. "Look at him. You could've stopped him, but guess what? You didn't!" I punch his shoulder and sit next to Jon. I move his hair out of his eyes and rub his back. "Hey." He looks over at me and shakes back and forth a little. He blinks slowly and drugged outta his mind. I pull him into a hug. "You're ok. Everything's ok. I'll take the next couple weeks off to take care of you. You'll be fine." He looks up at me and looks so out of it. I hold back my tears again and just let out a choked up sound. "Evan...I'm so sorry. I should've gone away. I should've left.  I should've called you. But I didn't." He lays down on my lap and stares up at me. Tyler sits down next to us and just stares at him. He takes Jonathan's arm in his big hands and makes sure it's not hurt too bad. "Jonathan, you're gonna have to drink plenty of water to get it out of your system. You're gonna need a haircut again too." I run my fingers through his long fluffy hair. He frowns. "Aww. I like my hair though. It finally grew out." I pat his head and kiss him. "It's ok. It'll grow back. Don't worry. It's just hair." He rolls around a little and his face goes pink. He bites his lip and smirks up at me. "Hey, Ev...Since I'm all drugged up, you have to take care of me right?" I nod. "Well, I've got a problem that's pretty easy to fix." "And that is?" "I'm horny Evan. I want you to fuck me senseless." I roll my eyes. "That's not my job. Ask Tyler." "No, I want you. You felt so good last time. Tyler just hurt..." I look down at him. "Fine. On one condition." "What is this condition you speak of?" "If I do, you have to drink three glasses of water before going to bed." He thinks about it for a moment before agreeing. I pull off his shirt along with my own. "Remember, be careful with your arms. They're delicate and fragile." He rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah just get ready."

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