Family Trip

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"And there's nothing you can do about it!" I stomp away from my boyfriend and into my room and lock the door. I sit in the corner and cry. We don't fight very often so this is serious. I just told him that I'm leaving for a month and he can't come with me. I hear his soft footsteps and a light knock on the door. "David? Darlin'? Are you alright in there? Will you just come out here, please? I'm sorry." I wipe the tears from my eyes. I stand up and walk to the door. He looks up at me with a sad kind of smile. "Look, David I-" I cut him off. "No, don't apologize. It's my fault. I got mad and it wasn't necessary. I hope you're not mad at me." He looks me in the eyes and gets on his tiptoes to reach me. He grabs the back of my head so I bend my knees a bit. He looks me straight in the eyes. "I just need you to listen to me. I understand that you have to leave. But why can't I come with you?" He looks sad that he can't come with me. "My family...They don't know. You see..." He smiles up at me. "I get it. It's fine." "No, it isn't. I should just come out. I need to stop being afraid. I'm such a bitch." I feel the tears in my eyes again as I fall down onto my bed and sit down. I cover my face with my hands. Brian pulls my hands away from my face and looks at me sweetly. He wipes my tears and runs his hands through my hair. "Shhh...It's ok. I'll be with you the whole time. Everything is ok. And if need be, you can just say I'm a friend. It's ok." He pulls me into a hug. I sniffle and look at him. I giggle a little. "I'm such a mess today. Why am I like this?" I laugh and kiss the top of Brian's head. "I love you. I always will. No matter what." He whispers and hugs me tighter. I pull him down to lay on the bed and I lay next to him. We stare at the ceiling for at least 5 minutes. We hear the phone ring so we get up to go answer it. "Hello?" "Hello, David. When will you be coming over?" "I'm hoping for around noon tomorrow mam." "Will you be bringing anyone? A girlfriend maybe?" I feel my face go red. "No girlfriend, but I am bringing a friend. We've known each other for..." My voice trails off as I think. "6 years ya doof." "6 years," I tell my mother. I hear her giggle. I smile. "Well, it'll be great meetin' him. Don't forget to bring extra clothes and swim trunks." "Alright, mam. Love you." "Love you too David. See you tomorrow." I smile and hang up the phone. "6 years. Damn." "We've been dating for 5 of 'em." "God damn. It doesn't seem that long at all." I stumble over my feet and run into the wall. He laughs at me and walks over to me. "Are you ok? You're still as clumsy as the day we met." I chuckle and think about how we met. 

---The Day They Met---

I'm walking through the hall trying to avoid Tyler. He's pissed at me. I took his homework he cheated on and threw it away. It was worth 50 points. Now he wants to kill me. I look over my shoulders frantically. I hide around a corner when I see Tyler behind me. I clutch my books tightly to my chest. I look around the corner as I hear him yell. "Where is he?! Where'd that little bitch go?!" Everyone moves out of his way. I sneak next to them and hope he doesn't see me. He probably would've if I didn't fall back onto someone. He groans under me. "For fuck's sake. Get the hell offa me." I get up and help him up. "Sorry. Are you alright lad?" He pops his neck and I help him get all of his books. He smiles at me. "It's alright. Are you Irish too?" I nod my head as he studies my face. "You're the one who made Tyler mad huh." "Yep. He wants to kill me." He pats me on the shoulder. "Good luck. If you need anything to help you with the problem just let me know. The name's Brian." He puts his hand out so I can shake it. I shake his hand and smile. "I'm David. My friends call me Nogla." I wave goodbye as I walk to my class. I sit down and think. I don't pay attention to the class. I think about how to stay away from Tyler. The bell rings and I walk out of the room as fast as possible. I go to my locker and put all of my books away. I take my lunch bag and go to the cafeteria. I see Tyler so I go out to the garden and eat. I sit down and start eating my lunch. Brian comes to sit with me. We eat lunch, talk, and crack jokes. We hear the bell ring and we go back to our lockers. Tyler catches up with me and pins me against the locker. "Gotcha bitch." He is suddenly ripped away from me and thrown onto the floor. "Back off!" Brian shouts and Tyler glares up at him. Tyler tries to get up and get in my face again. I push him away. We all start yelling and cussing each other out. Tyler starts throwing punches and hits me right in the eye. A teacher comes out into the hall and pushes us apart. "All of you down to the principal! Now!" He shouts and we all treck down to the office muttering to ourselves. "Fuck you, David." "No thanks. I'm pretty busy today. Don't know if I have time to do that." He punches me in the shoulder hard. We all get to the office and walk in. The principal is sitting there at his desk and motions for all of us to sit down. There are only two chairs so I stand up behind them and cross my arms. "Alright, boys. What happened?" Tyler huffs angrily before responding. "He stole a 50 point paper from me and threw it away so I chased him down and punched him and that guy tried to stop me and we all started fighting." He speaks quickly and all in one breath. "Alright. David, why did you take his paper?" "I saw him copying off of Evan's paper in class. He didn't deserve the points he would've gotten." I try to be as calm as I can. He looks up at me and finally sees my black eye. He mutters something under his breath that I can't understand. "And how did Brian get involved?" "I was trying to defend my friend from this fu-...heathen." He nods his head and looks at all of us. "That was very immature of you all. You should know better than to fight each other in the hallway." He thinks about what our punishment should be. "One week of detention for all of you." Tyler looks really angry and starts to get up with his fists clenched but sits back down. "Yes, sir." "Now get to class." We all go back to class and Tyler tries to stay as far away from us so he won't start another fight.

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