He's Hiding Who He Is

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I'm trying the whole Alpha/Omega thing... Don't know if I'm doing this right but we'll see how it goes. 

Is it pretty much Top/Bottom or Dom/Sub? Ehhh

I'm just gonna do my take on it... sorry if it's bad.

Alpha- Luke

Omegas- Ryan, Jonathan, & Evan

Jonathan's POV

Today is the first day of senior year. I have a feeling it's not going to be too great. I go to the principal's office, as everyone has to do. I fill out the sheet I'm given and hand it in. This will tell me my role as either an alpha or an omega. My family says I'll probably be an alpha because I'm a very dominant person but I don't really care. For some of my friends it's pretty obvious, but others it could really be either one. I go to my new locker and put in the combination. I put my backpack in and head to class. I pick a desk and sit in it.  My best friend, Luke, comes and sits next to me. We chat as we wait for class to start. Class starts and she goes on with the usual introduction. Class ends and I go on to the next. Students start getting called into the office to get their results. My name gets called and I walk to the office. The secretary hands me the piece of paper. I look at it. Omega. Wow. Someone else walks by and gets the paper. I stuff it in my pocket and go back to class. I try to hide the fact that I was an omega. Throughout the day I lie to everyone who asks about it. This is gonna be hard to keep away from everyone. 

Time Skip - A few days later

I walk down the hallway with my books in my arms. I give out high-fives to my friends as they pass. I go through the day and everything seems normal, then lunch comes around. I leave early to go to the bathroom. On my way back to the cafeteria I get thrown against the lockers. It's Evan. He crouches down in front of me with and smirks. 

"Soo, Jonathan. Do they know? Are you lying to everyone like a bad boy?" I swallow hard but I try to stay calm. 

"What the fuck are you talking about? Get away from me." I push him out of the way and get up. He grabs my throat and slams my head against the lockers again. I fall back down. 

"I never said I was done with you." He glares down at me. 

"You know what I mean, Omega." He snarls at me. He smirks evilly and pulls me up by my collar. He pushes me back toward my locker. 

"Get outta here. It'll come out soon enough. So should you." He laughs as I walk away. I go back to the cafeteria and sit next to my friends. Luke looks at me worriedly. 

"Dude! You're bleeding!" I look over at him. I wipe my nose and look at my hand. The red stains my hand. 

"Well shit. I am huh." I wipe my nose with my sleeve. I'm a weak bitch. 

"Hold on. C'mere." He pulls my face to him and wipes my face for me. It hurts a little but it's not too bad. He lets me go and looks me over. 

"What happened to you while you were gone? Who did this?" I look away from him nervously. 

"Nothing. It's fine. I took care of it." I cross my arms and look away from him. Ryan looks worriedly at me across the table. He reaches across and puts his hand on top of mine. 

"It's ok. You can tell us." He smiles sweetly. I shake my head and pull up my sleeves. 

"It's fine. I handled it." I look around and I see Evan walk in. I stare at him as he goes by. He smirks at me and sticks out his tongue. Luke gets up and follows him over to his table. 

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