Chapter 3: Friendship is Enough

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Kaitlyn Jarred

Back to my favorite stomping ground, Whitaker Prep. For how grand the grounds and the name are anyone could mistake Whitaker for a private school, but somehow it remained public. I thank Derek for holding the door for me and he nods, silent as usual. I sigh and readjust my bookbag on my shoulder and walk towards the front door, feeling eyes on my back. I turn slightly and make eye contact with the boy I had run into this morning. He's wearing a suit, how odd. I smile, but don't get to see his reaction, because someone else blocks my view.

"Hey!" Chris says greeting me with a forehead kiss and I smile brightly up at him, giving him a one-armed hug.

"Hi Chris! How was your weekend?" I ask as we walk into the school hand-in-hand and he pouts.

"Not as great as it could've been with you there."

I roll my eyes and kiss him in return, "You know how Dad is."

He sighs loudly, "Yes, I do know. I'll see you in third period, okay?"

I nod as he leaves to head to his locker before class. I have History first period and head to the classroom, the necessary books and homework already in my bag from homework the night before. I sit down in my usual spot, two seats back from the front next to the window. My friend Valerie sits behind me as usual.

"Hey Kat," she puts a hair of mine back in place. "Have a good weekend?"

"Good enough," I answer, shrugging. "Dad was a little intense."

"I'm sure that happens when your father is the Speaker of the House in Congress," she pokes my side and I laugh.

"Yeah, I guess so."

Everyone is seated before the boy I ran into walks into the room. He makes eye contact with me and gives me an award-winning smile and walking to one of the empty seats in the back. Valerie pokes my side again, "Who's the cutie?"

I shrug, "Not sure, but I ran into him this morning on my run."

"Aw," she wiggles her eyebrows.

I shake my head and laugh, "No, I literally ran into him. I fell on my butt, totally embarrassing myself."

She raises her eyebrows, "Well, I guess since you did that, you can introduce me to him. Seeing as you are tied up with a boyfriend."

"Yeah, sure," I say, turning toward the front where the teacher began to collect homework. He continued his lesson from Friday and I tune out, already having read the entire textbook. My thoughts turn from Chris to the new boy. A suit? Maybe he's the son of a Senator like me. I want to take a peek at him, but I would have to turn all the way around. Valerie pokes my shoulder and I see a paper in her hand. She passes it to me when the teacher turns around and I unfold it.

Hope you aren't bruised from our encounter this morning. I didn't catch your name. ~Nickolas

Nickolas, I think. I go to write a note back, but I realize he must be getting the wrong idea. I decide to talk to him after class to clear things up. The bell rings and I wait for the class to file out and approach Nickolas who is placing his notebook and fancy fountain pen into a leather briefcase.

"Hi, Nickolas, my name is Kaitlyn," I hand the note back to him. "I just wanted to make sure that you knew I had a boyfriend. Not that I thought you were hitting on me, but..." I trail off and look up to meet his eyes.

He holds an easy smile on his face, "No worries. Thank you for letting me know. Is it possible we could still be friends?" He puts a hand out for me to shake and I do.

"Friends sounds wonderful," I say before turning away. "I got to go to my next class, I'll see you later."

"Bye Kat!" He calls and I smile despite myself. We were already on nickname basis it seems. Chris is in my next two classes, and Nickolas is in third period with us.

"Chris! I have someone for you to meet," I pull him over to Nickolas and introduce him. "He's new, only started today." They do a bro handshake, instantly hitting it off.

"You look sharp in that suit, bro," Chris says and Nickolas thanks him.

"I wish I didn't have to wear it," Nickolas rolls his eyes.

Chris and I raise our eyebrows, and I say, "You don't pick your own clothes?"

He looks embarrassed, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck, "It's complicated." Nickolas is saved from explaining as the bell rings. The period finishes and we all head to lunch, Valerie and a couple of our other friends joins us. After grabbing food in the lunch lie, we all file over to a table and sit down. I introduce Nickolas to the rest of my friends.

"We have Valerie, Oscar, Marissa, and her twin Melinda." Marissa and Melinda sit on opposite sides of Nickolas and I giggle at his expression as the two talk him up.

"So, Nickolas," Marissa drags out his name. "Where are you from?"

Melinda butts in, "Your accent sounds so sophisticated."

"Thanks?" Nickolas manages, as he tries to focus on his food.

"Don't mind them, buddy," Oscar says, rolling his eyes. "They're absolutely horrid."

The twins scoff, "We are not!" Oscar doesn't grace them with an answer as he stuffs his face with food. But, it results in the twins leaving Nickolas alone—for now.

Nickolas Parkingsons

I couldn't believe how nice Kaitlyn and her friends were being to me. I haven't had real friends for the longest time. Or ever. Everyone always treated me like royalty, and I missed out on the comradery of friendship.

I hadn't really been uncomfortable with the twins' attention, but I couldn't get Kaitlyn out of my head. But of course, I won't mess up her relationship just to be with her. Friendship is enough.

"You seem familiar," Valerie taps her chin as she scrutinizes my face.

"I get that a lot. I think I just have one of those faces," I chuckle and everyone else follows but Valerie.

"Sure," she says before brightening. "Have you seen much of the town yet?"

"Not yet," I answer.

"Oh Valerie and I will have to show you around!" Kaitlyn exclaims and my heart beats faster.

I swallow, "That would be wonderful."


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