Chapter 8: Disturbance at Locksley

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Nickolas Parkingsons

I can't sleep.

My head pounds as I read, and reread, the message. I'm not exactly terrified of the repercussions if my title came into the forefront, but there is another reason I came to the United States—and it isn't to 'mingle with normal children'.

I toss in my bed, and peer at the clock, groaning at the time. My fingers hover over an open message to Kaitlyn, itching to tell her the truth. But this truth isn't something one can text, in my opinion. I lock my phone and plug it into its charger, trying to fall asleep for at least a couple hours when there is a heavy knocking and yelling at my door. I jump up and rush over, pulling the door open to a frazzled Marco.

"Get back," he pushes me into the room, Sheridan hot on his heels as they push me towards the bathroom, their guns drawn at their sides. I follow their orders as they get in formation to protect me. My heart beats fast as we try to stay as silent as possible, before the resounding sound of a gunshot echoes through the house. Marco and Sheridan tense more, walking backward closer to me as a barrage of shots rings out.

"Nick, if I say run, run," Sheridan whispers and my eyes grow wide. I reach my hand towards the secret panel in my bathroom as I keep my eyes on the bathroom door. The door to my bedroom slams open and we await the intruder. Jonathon throws open the bathroom door, his gun drawn, but he and my other bodyguards relax as they recognize each other.

"You're alright," Jonathon says to me, giving me a once over, with a smile on his face. The smile drops as the weight of the situation settles between us. "We need to leave, now."

I grab my go-bag, that is always on hand, and my phone and charger off the side table. We don't use the secret panel, but instead rush out of my bedroom into the hall. We reach the foyer and I see that a window has been broken, and three bodies are lying dead on the floor. Two males and one female.

"Carleton..." I choke out on seeing his pale, lifeless face. Jonathon pulls me away as I fight to get back to Carleton.

"We have to go, Nick," he says, as tears rolls down my face.

"We have to bring him!" I yell, fighting harder, as Sheridan comes to help Jonathon drag me out of the house and into the bulletproof car. We speed away as the sun crests the horizon, splaying pinks, purples and reds as I struggle to comprehend that Carleton was dead. The sunrise is too beautiful for such a horrific morning. I wipe my tears as my emotionless mask is put on, when I address my bodyguards, "What the hell just happened?"

Kaitlyn Jarred

I've just woken up to a light knock on the door, telling me breakfast is going to be ready soon. A smile graces my face as the sunrise streaks through my window before the betrayal of the previous night washes over me. I am just glad today is Friday and I won't have to be seen out of the house on the weekend, if I don't want. I pull on an average day's clothes and grab my backpack, meandering down the stairs to the kitchen. Nicole is in the kitchen with Cabet, the husband and wife duo making breakfast for everyone. I perch on the large island, Nicole handing me a plate of an over-easy egg, toast, and bacon. The television is on, so I turn the sound up for me to hear.

"...The voting on controversial HR567 will be happening today. Stay tuned for more information as we are receiving some breaking news. There are reports of shootout in the wealthy Locksley neighborhood. Let's go to Jessica for more information, Jessica?"

"Thank you, Brad. I have just gotten here and there are half a dozen police cars, as well as an ambulance and coroner's vehicle. We cannot see much, due to the police blocking us from the estate, but we have been told some persons are deceased. The numbers are unsure for now, and as to why this home was targeted is unknown. Back to you, Brad."

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