Chapter 2: An Encounter That Had Her Falling

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Chapter 2: An Encounter That Had Her Falling

A few weeks have gone by.

Kaitlyn Jarred

I wake up five minutes before my alarm goes off, pull on some workout clothes and open my door to Lucas, my running buddy.

"Ready?" Lucas asks, I nod, and he leads the way to the back door. Once I'm through the door and have pulled it closed behind me, Lucas is off running and I sprint a little to catch up to him. We level out our pace and enter Fairway, which, contrary to popular belief, is no longer a golf course. It was renovated by the previous mayor of our town, and guess who that was?

Yes, my father. Not only did he come up with the renovation idea, he also designed it and paid for it entirely out of his own pocket. He is a quite generous man, with many good intentions, but being humble is not one of his strong suits. He loves the media attention, much like my mother, making them the perfect 'it' couple. Both fit, both attractive, and both generous, everyone wants to be them, and since that cannot happen, they want to be friends with them.

As I'm lost in my thoughts I don't realize that Lucas has moved to the side of the pathway, not looking back to see if I have done the same. Just as I recognize what he did, I realize why he did it.

"Omph," I run into someone and bounce off of them onto my behind. I expect a rude exclamation from the person I ran into, but instead hand reaches out and helps me up. "I'm so sorry!" I say rubbing my behind and avoiding eye contact. Lucas immediately runs over and holds my arm, staring at the person.

"Oh, it's okay. You must have been thinking hard about something to not see I was here," the voice of a man reaches my ears and I redden. I finally take a glance at the man, and can I just say: daaaamnnn.

Nickolas Parkingsons

I had just head out for my morning run, Jonathon by my side, when a girl ran into me. Of course I didn't fall over, her hitting me felt like being hit with a pillow since she was so tiny. She fell backwards, but didn't hit anything serious, and I did the only thing I thought I could do; I help her up. I can tell Jonathon is wary of the girl, and of the man she has with her. Most likely her boyfriend, I think.

"I'm so sorry!" She exclaims, not looking at me. The man runs over to her like she's really fragile, but I can tell she's stronger than she looks.

"Oh, it's okay," I pause, trying to smile at her, but she still refuses to look at me. "You must have been thinking hard about something to not see I was there." Her cheeks redden and she finally decides to look at me. She has beautiful blue eyes and the pinkest lips. She smiles a little and tucks a stray hair behind her ear.

Jonathon comes over and whispers to me, "Sir, we better head back now, you cannot be late for your first day of school." I nod and smile back at the girl, and her 'boyfriend' is whispering in her ear as well.

"Once again I am so sorry. It was really nice to meet you," she pauses like she wants my name.

"Nickolas Park-," I stop, not wanting her to know my last name. She chuckles and waves as she turns the way she came.

"Goodbye then, Nickolas Park," she calls over her shoulder and takes off jogging with her 'boyfriend'. Jonathon tugs on my sleeve and I sigh, turning with him and running back to the house.


"Ahh, Mr. Nickolas, you have returned," Carleton hands me a towel and I wipe off my face, smiling when I remember the run-in with the girl.

"Shit," I curse and Carleton smacks my arm, and I rub it in fake hurt. "I didn't get her name!"

"Whose name, sir?" he asks.

Jonathon passes him and says in a teasing tone, "The girl who ran into him and had him drooling the whole time." I smack him with the towel and he runs off, mostly likely to take a shower.

"Sir?" Carleton looks at me with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms.

"Nothing, nothing," I walk toward my room where a suit has already been set out for me and I groan. "Do I really have to wear a suit to school?" I call out to Carleton.

"Of course, sir!" he yells back. "You have a reputation uphold!" I groan again and strip off my sweaty clothes, take a quick shower and throw on the suit, taking time to tie my tie intricately. If I'm going to wear a suit, I might as well wear it right.

"Sir, your car is ready!" Carleton calls up the stairs and I grab my laptop bag, complete with laptop, pencils and notebook paper. I slide down the banister, ruffle Carleton's hair and smile at his unamused expression.

"Come on, Carleton, lighten up!" I say and he hands me a plate of food to eat on the way to school. He walks me out to the car and holds the door open for me, and I slide in, smiling at my favorite driver and schedulist, Sheridan.

"How's my favorite Duke today?" Sheridan asks as he pulls out of the driveway and through the iron-rod gates.

I roll my eyes, "Sheridan, I am not a Duke here in the United States, remember? Just another boy." He snorts at this, but doesn't comment and allows me to eat my breakfast in peace. Just as I am taking the last bite, the school pulls into view. Not as grand as my last school, but still quite grand—unexpected for a public school. We pull up to the curb, and I am surprised to see another large black SUV is in front of us. A man gets out of the passenger front side and opens the door to the back. Sheridan does the same to me, but my full attention in on the girl stepping out of the car.

It's the girl that ran into me. 

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