Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"You're not seriously thinking about going, are you?"

I dig the toe of my boot farther into the dirt. "Of course I am. Their numbers have dwindled down to only three."

"Exactly," Thatcher says, picking a leaf out of the dark hair spilling over his forehead. "The three strongest of the Careers. Priscilla, Myles, and Runge."


"The guy from 9," Thatcher explains. "Anyways, don't forget that you've killed four of their own. They probably can't wait for a chance to rip your throat out."

"Comforting thoughts, Thatcher. Thanks."

A brief smile transforms his chapped lips. "I'm telling you the truth. And who knows where the other girl is. You know how the District 6 tributes are - the camouflage experts. She could be hiding anywhere, waiting to strike."

"I see your point," I say with a sigh. "But it's our last chance to take them out. Would you rather go after them or wait for them to come after us?"

Thatcher finally agreed to let me go to the Cornucopia. On one condition - he accompanies me.

We packed all of our stuff into our backpacks, which was sad and scary at the same time. Both of us knew that we probably wouldn't return to the cave. And neither of us say it aloud, but we both know that even if we manage to take out the Careers and the girl from 6, only one of us will be able to return home. I push the thought to the back of my mind and only think about getting to the Cornucopia on time.

We slow down and focus on moving more quietly when we near the Career's camp. Sure enough, they've abandoned it. The fire has been stomped out and kicked over with dirt, and I can sort of make out Myles's half-limp, half-walking tracks in the forest floor. A normal step, then a drag. A normal step, then a drag.

Not knowing where the Careers are hangs over me like a heavy blanket. We stick closer to the lake, and after awhile we can start to make out the silhouette of the Cornucopia in the pale morning light.

We crouch behind a bush, almost completely hidden to anyone in the clearing, thanks to the concealing foliage. "Do you see the Careers?" I ask Thatcher in a low whisper, since he has better eyesight than me.

He peers over the bush for a few seconds. "I see someone behind the pedestal over by the biggest boulder. I can't tell who."

The mouth of the Cornucopia was facing the other way, so Thatcher and I move farther away from the lake to see what the presented items were.

Even the morning light seeping out over the clearing wasn't enough for us to distinguish the identity of the mystery Feast item. Thatcher said it looked to be some sort of package. I pull my knife out, and keep my whittling knife in my sleeve just in case.

Just then, the figure from behind the pedestal darts out from behind it, and with more speed than I thought possible, streaks out towards the Cornucopia. She's almost there, her arm is outstretched--

Bam! A spear shoots out from inside the Cornucopia, striking the girl right in the chest. I gasp, but Thatcher has the good grace to clamp my mouth shut with his hand.

The three figures of the Careers emerge from the shadows of the Cornucopia. Myles is looking fairly bedraggled, Runge moves forward to rip the spear out of the girl's chest, and Priscilla is wrapped in a mountain lion fur and looking pretty cold.

"What do we do now?" I whisper to Thatcher.

He doesn't reply, only adjusts his grip on his axe and shakes his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2014 ⏰

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