Chapter 15

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not edited sorry, but enjoy!

We arrived at the party, which was already in full swing due to the loud music and lights coming from the building. Alucard stepped out of the car and came to my side and opened the door like a proper gentleman. I took his hand and stepped out of the car, a mixture of sents hit me like a train. Its time to find the rat but how will I know who it is with all these people? Alucard bent his head down towards my ear,

"Follow the foul sent and it should lead you to him. The Millennium basterds always have the sent of rotten flesh around them."

"You say it like you know from experience. " he just shrugged and we continued up the front entrance stairs. When we entered people were to occupied dancing and socializing to notice our presence. We made our way through the crowds and to the back of the room, my eyes and nose searched the room as we went.

" He is definitely here." I wrinkled up my nose, he was right the rat does smell, go figure.

" I'm going to look around upstairs, you stay here and keep an eye on things down here. If you find him before I do get him away from everyone. Don't kill him though, we need to get him to squeal first." he said and disappeared before I could reply. I leaned up against the wall. Couples were laughing and dancing, not having a single worry, they werr enjoying themselves; they were being human. I was so caught up in the scene before me I almost didnt notice the smell becaming stronger.

Moving around the room, I pinpointed the source of the smell. My eyes went wide and my body went stiff at who it belonged to...the man from the orphanage, the man who hurt me all those years, he was responsible for all my scars. He is the one who tormented me day and night until i escaped. My worst nightmare was seeing this man again, evan worst he is the millennium scum and yet here he is within my eye sight, but worst I was in his.

He caught my stare and started towards me. Shit, I have to get out of here, but I cant leave I have orders I have to lure him outside. As repulsive as it is I gave him my best flirty face, which he returned with a devilish grin. Acting hard to get I made my way to the back exit. When I got to the door I looked over my shoulder to see him still following me and sent him another smile as I pushed the doors open and stepped outside. I feel like im going to be sick.

There is a gazebo a good couple of meters away, far enough that no one should notice us. I enter the gazebo and slide behind one of the  ivory columns.

" Where are you my little butterfly? " his voice sent ice into my vains. I stepped away from the column so he could see me.

" So you do remember me then?" I tilted my head to the side and smiled at him.

" Of course how could I not, I would reconize you anywhere. " he took a few steps closer as he stood across from me in the small structure. He outstretched his hand towards my face and I slapped it away, which seemed to piss him off.

"Don't you dare try to fucking touch me again of you will lose that hand."

"Oh has my butterfly developed a stinger?" I cant stand that nickname. He reached his hand towards me again, swiftly I pulled out my dagger and sliced his hand clean off him wrist. The severed limb flopped to the ground as a stream of blood followed it. I heard his gasp of surprise before he took in what really happen. I took of my shoulder wrap and gaged him with it to silent his screams. Then I ripped the hem of his shirt and wrapped his wrist to stop the bleeding. Unfortunately I have to bring him alive, but I would love to see this fucker die a slow and painful death.

" I told you not to touch me." I growled at him. When I looked at his face I could see utter terror in his eyes, good now he knows somewhat how I felt all those years ago.

"That was quick. I didn't expect you to find him that fast." Alucard sat on the bench in the shadows of the gazebo.

" Let's just go before anyones sees us." he shrugged and came over and grabbed the basterd by the hair dragging him with him. I touched the communicator attached to my ear.

" Walter bring the car around the back. We got him."

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