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Yang wakes up on a bed in apartment she hadn't seen before

Frank: morning sunshine.

Yang get up

Yang: who are you ?

Frank: the names Frank.

Yang: what happened last night ?

Frank hands her a cup of water

Frank: you got wasted.

Frank walks to the door

Frank: lock up when you leave.

Once Frank leaves she checks her scroll

               Later with Frank

Frank walks in Tukson book trade

Tukson: your early Frank.

Frank: not early enough.

Tukson pull a bag full of different guns

Frank toss him 10000 lien

Tukson: Frank that's to much.

Frank: Tukson you've been a good friend so take this leave and vale.

Tukson: thanks Frank .


Roman points his gun at Ruby about to fire.

White fang soldier: sir you have something on your face.

Roman sees a red dot on a building not that far away.

Roman: fuck mmmmmeeeeeeeeee.

Roman screams as the bullet hits him.

White fang soldier: it's the Punisher run.

Blake runs to Ruby

Weiss: Ruby are you okay.

Yang stares at the shooter

Yang: it can't be....

Frank walks close

Frank: I'm only going to ask once move or be moved.

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