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Yang was just staring at Frank

Frank: just stay out of the way and nobody gets hurt.

Yang grab Frank by the jacket

Yang: why ?

Frank: they need to be punished.

Frank then headbutts Yang

Frank: now stay out my way.

Yang tries to get up

Yang: where are you going.

Frank: I'm going to finish off the white fang soldiers.

Blake rush Frank with her blade

Blake: No you don't.

Frank easily dodges the attack and give Blake a right hook.

Weiss starts shaking in fear

Ruby: why are you doing this ?

Frank walks past Weiss and Ruby then turns his head

Frank: because no one else will


Frank walks into a pawn shop

Jimmy: what can I help you with.

Frank: I need a police scanner.

Jimmy goes around back and gets it

Jimmy: anything else ?

Frank: the 12 gauge.

Frank throws his money on the counter

Jimmy put his items in a bag

Frank grabs the bag and heads for the exit

Jimmy: can interest you anything else.

Frank keeps walking

Jimmy: how about bondage, backdoor, grannies or perhaps something younger she barely 12

Frank stops sits down his bag walks back and grabs a bat from the wall

Jimmy: I'm just tryin' to make a buck.

Frank hit Jimmy numerous time until he finally stops.

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