Pain without love

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It's been three days since Frank kidnapped Ruby.

Knock knock

Frank walks to the door

Frank: who is it.

???: it's Tommy.

Frank opens the door and sees a nine year old boy

Frank: come in.

Tommy: Mr. Frank.

Tommy sits on the couch with Frank

Frank: so what's wrong kid.

Tommy: the kids keep making fun of me at school.

Frank pats Tommy's back

Frank: it's okay.

Knock knock

Frank smiles

Frank: the must be your mom.

                         (Beacon academy)
Ozpin walks down team RWBY' s dorm room

Knock knock

???: Come in.

Ozpin open' s door

Ozpin: miss Rose please come with me to my office.

Ruby walks with Ozpin

                (Frank's apartment)

Frank walks to door


A fist goes threw the door

Frank: hide.

Frank pulls the door only to get punched

Frank: who the hell are you ?

Frank gets picked up and thrown across the room

???: I am Banesaw.

Frank flips open his butterfly knife and tries to stab Banesaw


Only for Banesaw to dodge

Banesaw: foolish human.

Banesaw tackles him and repeatedly punches him

Frank: fuck you.

Banesaw slams his head aginist the wall

Banesaw: it's over Castle.

Frank spits at Banesaws face

Banesaw headbutts Frank

                  (Ozpin's office)

Ozpin: how are you doing Ruby?

Ruby gives a little smile

Ruby: alright.

Ozpin: tell me what happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2017 ⏰

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