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'Maia?' Maia's twin brother had called. 'Collafore, I'm so glad you called!' Maia replied. Collafore was Maia's twin brother. 'Maia, where in the world are you, Arfore is worried sick!' Collafore yelled into the phone. 'Are you even in this world, you said you were going into the forest for a quick stroll, does the forest have a portal?' Maia laughed a small chuckle under her breath. 'Tell Mum that I'm kind of in the police station. I think I've murdered someone?' Collafore heard but didn't reply. Instead he talked to a person who must have been near him. 'Arfore, Mum, it's time for her talk.' He hung up. Maia was so confused that her mind could blow up with questions flying out of it. Did she just muder someone? She must of, but it wasn't her. 'Got a visiter, maybe it's your murder buddy?' A police officer told Maia, in a sharp and cold voice. It was Collafore. 'Collafore?' Maia exclaimed, with a slight joyful and hopeful tone. 'I have a plan,' Collafore said, bravely. 'But you may hate me while it's going in motion.' Maia sighed with relief. 'Anything to get out of here.' She replied. 'Police! She threatened me, she said she will kill me if I told you why she murdered that girl!' Collafore yelled to the police officer. 'What?' Maia whispered. The police officer had rushed into the room. 'That's it, Matt, put her behind the bars! Why did she kill the girl?' The police officer said, as another police officer pulled Maia out of the room. 'She, umm,' Collafore tried to think of an answer as fast as he could. 'She was angry because the girl told her if she could get out of the forest so she could, uhh, play?' Collafore lied. 'Right thank you, uhh, boy, what's your name?' The police officer replied. 'I'm Collafore, but people call me by my last name, Quavline.' Collafore said. The police officer nodded to say he had got what Collafore said. Maia felt regected, as her twin brother had put her behind bars. Around ten minutes later, Collafore came back to the police station wearing a disguise. He looked like their stepmother, Collafore was much taller than his age's average. He said in his stepmother's voice, 'I am here to bail my stepdaughter, Maia Quavline, I am her stepmother, Rosa, Rosa Arfore' The police officer seemed convinced. 'It's pretty expensive,' the police officer replied. 'At least twelve-thousand dollars.' Collafore was now wearing a large smirk. He reached into the handbag he was wearing, and pulled out fifty-thousand dollars. The police officer looked surprised. 'Do you have a birth certificate?' The police officer said hopefully. Collafore pulled out Maia's birth certificate, out of the handbag. 'Keep the change.' Collafore said. 'Right this way.' The police officer said, like a gentleman. The police officer unlocked Maia's door and said 'You've been bailed, you filthy criminal!' Maia walked out the police station, and went home with Collafore and relief. Once they had reached home Collafore went to get changed. Rosa Afore, the twin's stepmother, felt like there real mother, but still called her Arfore. The Quavline's parents had sadly passed away, their mother from a car accident, and their father from a building collapsing. Collafore rushed to Arfore and said 'Tell her, tell her what she needs to know!' 'Wait, what do I need to know?' Maia said, confused. 'Maia, before I tell you this, I want you to know I love you lots. You are a forcrise.' Arfore said, with confidence. 'What's a forcrise?' Maia replied. 'Well, I can tell you, you're not a criseraxe!' Arfore said in her defence. 'What's a criseraxe?!' Maia replied. Collafore rolled his eyes. 'You are a forcrise, half dragon, and not a criseraxe, non half dragon folk.' Collafore said fiercly, as he was annoyed. 'Half dragon?' Maia said, like her whole life has just turned around. She saw her life a completely different way. Once Arfore And Collafore explained everything, it all made sense. She was half dragon.

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