Brandon Aareaga [PRETTYMUCH]

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"sky, babe please. i didn't mean what i did. i don't care about her at all. it was a mistake. you're the only girl i wanna be with."

"wow i can't believe i really fell in love with a lying cheating ass. and the worst part is i thought you loved me too."

i get up to leave not ever wanting to see that lying little ass again. he broke me. there's nothing else to say to someone that you trusted with everything but betrayed you.

my ex boyfriend hooked up with my best friend.

looks like neither of them really cared about me. it's true, in this life you can't trust anyone but yourself and if that's not enough it better be because if not you can kiss that happy ending goodbye.

i should have seen this coming. they would constantly talk to each other when i was out of the room, it was obvious. it's like they were waiting for me to leave so they could have their own private and very wrong conversations. whenever i was with them both brandon always had his eyes on her. it's like i wasn't even there. but i pushed it off because i trusted that he loved me and when he gave me that promise ring it meant something. everyday someone lies to you but it's not everyday you love someone with everything in you that you would die willingly for them and they turn on you. not to mention with your best friend since kindergarten.

alyssa was the one that got me through so much. but now i have to deal with this on my own because she's the problem this time. when my parents separated i thought i had no one, but she helped me back up when all i did was keep falling. falling over the wrong guys, she would be there to pick me up. she couldn't get me away from this guy though. and she couldn't get me away from her. it's sad to lose a childhood best friend. but i can't let people take advantage of me, that's one thing i learned from alyssa. these people that claim to care about me or be my friend aren't and that's life.

that night when i came back from the library,since i was working on my english exam for finals, and saw them together it shocked me but not completely. college was enough to keep up with and brandon knew that. he knew i was having a hard time managing my life, a boyfriend, and school. yet he still decided to bend me even more than i already was. i stood there in alyssa and i's dorm room not wanting to interrupt anything. that's when they both leaned in. it hurt enough seeing them kiss but watching them lean in at the same time hurt more than hell. knowing they both urned for the taste of each other's lips on one another's sicken me. my best friend wanted the taste of my boyfriends lips. my boyfriend wanted the taste of my best friends lips. i wished that was it, but i was truly mistaken. they got on alyssa's bed an didn't stop until they were ripping each other's clothes off. that's when i couldn't take it anymore and left.

now we are here. brandon trying to apologize for his "mistake". i love when people lie, it's great!

i just don't understand. if they had a thing for each other they should have told me. or brandon should have at least broke up with me. i would be extremely sad and pissed but i'd get over it in time. especially if it really wasn't real for brandon and i. i loved him. i really did. i'd do anything for him and i thought it was the same for him.

i walk away not caring if he calls my name. i'm tried and brandon telling me lies isn't helping me at all. all his yelling and frantic "i'm sorrys" are making my head spin and not in a good way.

that's when i've had enough," shut up brandon. just stop. i can't breathe."

another panic attack. my second this month. luckily brandon or alyssa was always there when it happened. i felt safest with them so they helped me calm down. but i don't feel safe with either of them anymore.

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