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The Olympian gods


Greek Goddess of the Hearth and Domestic Life

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Greek Goddess of the Hearth and Domestic Life

Hestia was the goddess of the hearth, home, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state. She was one of only three virgin goddesses, next to Athena and Artemis. Although both Poseidon and Apollo wanted to marry her, Hestia made an oath to Zeus that she would remain forever pure and undefiled, never entering into a union with a man.
She is a goddess of the Olympian generation, daughter of Cronus and Rhea and sister to Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter and Hera. When Cronus swallowed his children for fear one would dethrone him, Hestia was the eldest and thus swallowed first.
After Zeus forced his father to disgorge his children, Hestia was the last to be yielded up, making her both the oldest and the youngest daughter.
As the goddess of the hearth she personified the fire burning in the hearth of every home in Greece. Hestia receiving the first offering at every sacrifice in the household with families pouring sweet wine in her name and dedicating the richest portion of food to her.
The hearth fire in the household was not allowed to go out by any family unless it was ritually distinguished. Though Hestia did not have a public cult, she was worshipped at any temple, regardless of the god the temple was dedicated to. Hestia is described as a kind, forgiving and discreet goddess with a passive, non-confrontational nature.

Facts About Hestia
Hestia was the eldest daughter of Cronos and Rhea.
As with the rest of his children, Cronos ate her but eventually regurgitated her.
She was a sibling to Demeter, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, and Zeus.
She was primarily known the Goddess of the Hearth.
Of all the gods and goddesses, she was considered the gentlest and mildest. Others, critically, have called her colorless because there is little information provided in regard to her character.
Although Hestia appeared in a few stories, she was not overly significant in Greek mythology.
Hestia is completely omitted from the works of Homer, author of the Iliad and the Odyssey.
Poets such as Apollodorous, Hesiod, and Ovid allude to her in their works.
Each city had a public hearth that was sacred to Hestia; the fire kindled there was never allowed to go out.
New colonies took fire from the hearth in the prytaneion (also known as the town hall) and kept the fires going in those new locations.
Every meal began and ended with an offering to Hestia.
Like Athena and Artemis, Hestia was referred to as a virgin goddess.
Although Apollo and Poseidon proposed marriage to Hestia, she requested of Zeus to remain a maiden forever.
Domestic life was her dominion in spite of her desire to remain a virgin.
She was one of only twelve Olympian deities.
Her name literally means “hearth”; appropriately, her priorities were family and community.
Children were accepted into the family by being presented at Hestia’s hearth. This observed first step ensured the goddess’s blessing on the new addition.
Vesta was the Roman equivalent to Hestia.
Public and private worship of Hestia was widespread.
She represented communal security and personal happiness.
Because Hestia remained a virgin, it follows that she had no children.

goddess of : Home, hearth, family and fire
Symbols: Donkey, crane, fire and flames, and a pig.
Sacred animals: Donkey
Parents: Kronos and Rhea
Consort: None
Children: None (Virgin)

Early Life
Hestia was born to Kronos and Rhea. She was the firstborn, and was thus eaten first. Once Zeus grew to be an adult, he fed Kronos a mix of mustard and wine, making him vomit. Hestia had been growing inside Kronos for years, being immortal. She was thrown up last. She also was a part of the Titanomachy, where she fought the Titans. Once the gods won, she would become an Olympian.

Her beauty attracted the interest of Apollo and Poseidon who asked her to marry them. However, Hestia was unwilling to get married and asked Zeus to make her a virgin so that she'd never get married.

Giving Up Her Place
eus had a Demigod son with the mortal princess Semele, named Dionysos. Dionysos was not like the other demigods who fought and were adventurous. He was quite different from other people. He was shunned by others, until he crushed wine grapes in such a way, it made wine. Zeus was taken aback by this, and made him immortal, then offered him a throne on Mount Olympus. However, 13 was an unlucky number, so he reconsidered. Hestia, the goddess of the hearth who, having grown weary of her quarrelsome family, was happy to give up her place. She would then tend to the sacred flame of Olympus.

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