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Minor gods


Uranus was a primal Greek god, symbolising the sky. According to Hesiod's Theogony, he was born by Gaea alone. Other sources say that his parents were Gaea and Chaos, or Gaea and Aether.

Uranus and Gaea had many children; the twelve Titans, three Cyclopes, and three Hecatoncheires. Hating his children, Uranus banished them to Tartarus, inside Gaea. Gaea was infuriated and created a diamond sickle, which she gave to Cronus, one of the Titans. Cronus found his father and castrated him in his sleep; from the blood that fell on the earth, the Erinnyes, the Giants and the Meliads were born; while from the sperm that fell into the sea, Aphrodite was born. Thus ended the reign of Uranus, and Cronus became the new ruler of the universe.
Uranus Is also called Caelus, Ouranos.

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