Minor gods
Gaea was a primal Greek goddess, one of the deities that governed the universe before the Titans. She symbolised the Earth, and was the mother of everything.
According to one version, Gaea, along with Chaos and Eros, coexisted during the creation of the world. Another version has it that the three of them were born out of the Cosmic Egg, which itself was created out of nothingness. Hesiod then tells us that from the union of Gaea and Chaos - and supported by Eros - Uranus was born.Gaea and Uranus gave birth to the Giants, the Titans, Oceanus and the whole world. At that point, Uranus decided to stop Gaea from creating anything else and sent his children inside her; Gaea was infuriated and allied with one of her Titan sons, Cronus, managing to overthrow Uranus. However, due to the cruelty of Cronus and his determination to remain on the throne, Gaea assisted Zeus in overthrowing Cronus, which marked the end of the age of the Titans.
Gaea Is also called Terra, Gaia, Gi, Ge.
Greek Mythology
RandomGreek mythology is the body of myths and teachings that belong to the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. It was a part of the religion i...