Delinquint school

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Haru's pov

    Seoul, the home of sin welcoming everyone in it. I hate it, but to be honest I hate most things involving my lifestyle. My mother was murdered, but I'm over it, it's Seoul after all, unless you are high class you most likely had someone you known killed.

I picked up my backpack and put it on after locking my room door the went down stair exiting my house surprisingly my dad wasn't up but I didn't think much about it. school probably won't get me far and the people there are all asswipes but I still go. When walking to school of course I saw 3 people surrounding something. Usually I try to avoid things like that and continue with my daily life but this time I couldn't.

"EOMMA!" A little girl cried

"Please just don't hurt my daughter !!" A women pleaded

I stopped to watch what was happening for a second. My face began to feel flush.

'I can't just leave them can i ?'

'Ugh I'm gonna be late '

I saw that there were about 2 guys and 1 girl surrounding them. I have 14 minutes to get to school and Walking it takes 8 minutes so I have about 6 minutes, I can do this I guess.

I crossed the street and walked up to the small gang

"Yah" I said

But they didn't listen and rebelled but kicking the women

"Stop please !" The little girl cried her eyes out

'Ugh now I have to do this the hard way now' I thought to myself

I pulled the biggest guy in the group by his hair to slam him on the ground then they all watched me kick the mans face while he was on the ground knocking him out.

"Go" I told the rest of them

They swore while walking away. To most this may have seemed "easy" but it isn't if you haven't trained at all in your live in case things like this happens. When someone proves they can take you on as an opponent then the best thing to do is back off. My dad is a trainer one of the best in Korea when it comes to combat and weapon training. I have been being trained since my mother died when I was 5. I hate it because all I do it train but I'm also thankful. My dad only trains the people that need it like some fathers that are starting families usually.

I look over to see the woman on the ground beat up and he daughter crying by her side

I walked over and kneeled Down to them

"Gomawoyo-" the women croaked

"Don't thank me I'll text an ambulance and wait till it gets here" I explained

"Can you show me where it hurts" I asked

The mother sucked her teeth in pain while lifting her shirt. Bruises mainly on her ribs. I put light pressure of a part of her rib cage and she screamed out in pain.

"Judge by the way this looks they broke your ribs, you should move at all" I told her while helping her lean back

"Thank you unnie" the little girl said with a tear in her eye

I've never been called unnie before.

"Don't worry but next time that happens run and look for help"

" but they are hurting my mom and I'm scared"

"But you got to be strong in a place like this, and maybe when you get older you can help others too" I told her trying to cheer her up

"Unnie what is your name my name is Hanbyul" she smiled

"If I tell you my name you have to promise not to tell anyone! Pinky promise?"

"I ok unnie I promise!" We locked pinkies

I then whispered my name to her

"My name is haru"

Shortly after the ambulance came and picked them up

"Unnie will you watch over us please ? "  she asked

"Ye hanbyul~ah but remember be strong"

The ambulance shortly then left. I checked my phone . I was going to check the time on my phone but a notification caught my eye first.

'Hmm I never get texts' I thought

I then unlocked my phone and read the text.

From: unknown
ACG 8093

What is this. Maybe they sent this by accident.

I ignored the text and sprinted to school.

5 minutes later...

"Why aren't the doors open they are supposed to lock in and hour not now?"

I kicked the door


I turned to the right and saw a student with their jacket unzipped and their uniform on

"Hello, do you -" I stopped when he kept walking past me

"So are you the ignorant type or the deaf kind ?" I asked

"I'm not in the mood"  he told me

"Ok so you're the bitchy type"

We walked around the school and I stopped

"hey isn't this -"

"Are you coming or not ?"

I ran towards him to catchup. I haven't been in the part of the school because the doors were all boarded up. He then opened the door. I was in shock to see and these thugs walking down the hallways and fighting everywhere. I was pushed in by a person who came in behind us. I saw the guy that took me here walk down the hallway so I ran to him.

"Please don't leave-"

"Go away. You were probably moved to this half of the school for a reason anyway you're probably not innocent, you can either go to you classes to pass time and hang out in the hallways it's up to you but I will be going" he told me then walked into a room
I quickly ran to find the office and I was in shock to see the setup. I have to talk through a metal wall and they open a slate to hand us anything. Feels like I'm in prison.

"Hello I'm new but I also think I should be in the other half of the school but can I get my classes"

The secretary opened the slate to give me a paper and a student card.

I looked at the paper.

Dear, Noami

You have been admitted to the Delinquent school. You have been admitted because you fought people today at 7:46 am. You will be attending this school till further notice.
Your schedule is given on the back of this letter.

From ,
school government

You have to be kidding me. For one how do the know I got in a fight and two I saved to people isn't that a good thing?

I flipped over the page to see my schedule.

P1 (8:00 - 8:55) - HR
P2 (9:00 - 9:55) - GYM
P3 ( 10:00 - 10:55) -LAB
P4 (11:00 - 11:55) - GYM
Lunch (12:00 - 12:55)
P5 ( 1:00 - 1:55) - GYM
P6 ( 2:00 - 2:55) - GYM
P7 ( 3:00 - 3:55) - COMPUTER LAB
P8 ( 4:00 - 4:55) - GYM

What is this school and gym I have four hours of gym basically and this school ends late but is better then have night school and regular school I guess.

I guess I should just go to my p4 class because the bell will ring in 10 minutes anyways.


Authors note: hey sorry this is a long intro I'll make things better soon

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