My charm

55 3 1

Haru's point of view

Taehyung looked at me with embarrassment. The thing is he wasn't embarrassed of me he was embarrassed about himself.

"Sooo ms green eyes what did you tell your boyfriends" a guy with a coconut looking head asked

"1 my name is Naomi 2 they aren't my boyfriends 3 I told them to watch their back and that a strong clan has something of there's apparently."

"Ok so now what?" One of the guys with broad shoulders asked

"We wait and stay in touch with ikon" namjoon told them

"Well as if right now we will use Naomi as a messenger " yoongi added

"Please don't make her get caught in the middle of things" taehyung pleaded

"It's fine but I want information and I want to know all of you"


I got all the information on what was going on and learned a bit about bts.

I realized the time and forgot that Chanwoo wanted me home so he could pick me up so I left shortly after.


I walked out of the school and didn't realize how dark out it was until then. I checked my wallet for bus fair and had none

"Shit" I whispered

I had to walk home at a dangerous time. I checked my phone and it was dead. 

"Oh no I must have got calls and texts the wasted the last 20% I had. Shit"

I started walking home paranoid. My dad may have trained me but training doesn't mean the you are protected.

After 8 minutes of walking I heard a loud noise . The street light were dim and some broken because our city is to broken to even care. I started walking faster to avoid the noise I heard. Until someone grabbed me from behind covering my mouth with there hand that smelt like alcohol.

He pulled me to an alleyway where there were two other guys.

"I got us a new toy the guy told them"

I tried to get loose of his grip but he was to strong. The other two held me back now and the other one that took me was staring at my body.

"Why don't you be the little whore you are and open up for me"

I squirmed even more and tears started coming out of my eyes

"HELP" I screamed which resulted to him slapping me across the face

He then caressed my face and I bit his hand.

"Well no more taking things slowly I guess" he said angrily

He ripped my shirt off and I cried more and kept trying to get loose of the two others.

The guys stoped as a loud gunshot went off and one of the guys hold me back felt to the ground with a bullet in his head followed By the other two. I was crying with my eyes closed while my hand were over my ears.

I stoped and I felt the shooter put a sweater over my bare body. I looked up to see Chanwoo. He picked me up and I cried.

He started walking and I followed.

"Come on I'll take you to my place" he said bitterly without looking at me


We got to Chanwoo's apartment. It was quiet and I saw chanwoo with his hands on the kitchen counter with his back faced towards me. I could tell he wasn't happy.

"Naomi please"


"Why didn't you just listen to me! I told you go home so you will be safe does your life mean nothing to you!" Chanwoo's yell was aggressive and I was speechless.

"Do you expect someone to save you all the time? Or do you want to be careless and have someone clean up the mess you make for you?"

I started to cry the only sound made was from my hiccupping breathing from crying.

"Well, I will be there for you but I scared that I won't be able to and you'll get hurt. You're a beautiful girl and tons of people have and eye out for girls like you. I'm mad because that guys later there hands on you and I feel like that's my fault" Chanwoo's softer tone changed everything since when was he like this

I walked of to him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry" he told me

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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