Chapter 2

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Sommer's POV:
I woke up realising that I was on the plane. I checked the time and noticed that we should land soon. I grabbed my phone and ate some food while snap chatting myself (by the way add my snapchat: debbylover) (plug plug plug)
•what I had in by bag•

 I grabbed my phone and ate some food while snap chatting myself (by the way add my snapchat: debbylover) (plug plug plug)•what I had in by bag•

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"Hello passengers, I'm glad to tell you that we have arrived safely in Milan, please do not take off the seatbelt until we land. Thank you" the pilot said. I rolled my eyes and kept on eating. We then landed and we all took our seat belts off. The speaker rang out again. "Passengers, we have officially landed at the Milan Airport. Thank you for flying with us and have a great day".
I put my food away and grabbed my bag and my phone. I got off with everyone and waited for my suitcases to come out. I finally grabbed my 3 suitcases and duffle bag and left the Milan airport. I noticed a man was holding a sign with my name and noticed he was my driver and no, he wasn't dresses in the typical all-black suit and the hat. He put the suitcases in the trunk and we were off. We made small conversation as to where was I going, my dream career, why there was so much traffic and what I liked to do and we finally arrived there. He helped me get my bags out and he finally left.

I walked in and looked around

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I walked in and looked around. There is so much stuff around me that I don't even know where to start from. There are dancers just dancing at the top of the stairs, girls gossiping, others just running around. There were flyers, drawings, paintings all around me. I wasn't paying attention and by accident, I bumped into someone. I looked up and I was about to say sorry when I got stuck looking into his eyes as he was looking into mine. I suddenly snapped out of it and coughed and I saw his cheeks getting pink.
"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" I said smiling sheepishly.
"It's okay, to be honest with you, I wasn't looking at where I was going as well. But since I bumped into you, let me make it up to you..." he trailed off waiting for me to tell him my name. I finally realised and got embarrassed as my cheeks turned red.
"I'm Sommer" I said while offering my hand to shake his.
"I'm Quinn, nice to meet you" he said while bringing me into a hug. I pulled back and smiled at him while looking him over. Obviously he was taller than me and he was wearing a long sleeved checkered shirt, which was open, showing a maroon
t-shirt, he had brown jeans on and a pair of sneakers. He also had a green shoulder computer bag. Not bad.
"So there's a mini bar in here. Do you want to get something to eat?" He asked me while smiling. I nodded and smiled but then realized that I still had all of  my bags with me.
"Sure, but can you help me carry the bags to my room, so I can change quickly and we can head over right after." I asked him, and he nodded so he carried the biggest 2 bags and I carried 1 and the duffle bag, even though I protested multiple times. We reached my room and there was just one bed and a king sized bed, which told me that I luckily didn't have a roommate.
(Imagine that the room is bigger)

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